wati vs twilio vs TelebuSocial

Wati vs Twilio vs TelebuSocial: A Comprehensive Look into Which WhatsApp Solution is Best For Your Business

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14 Min. To Read

This article compares Wati, Twilio, and TelebuSocial. Their features, pricing, and all other offerings. 

After reading this article, you’ll be ready to choose which of these communication tools is best for your business.

This blog is based on our findings using the platforms and what customers say about them.

Let’s get right into it.

Unlike other WhatsApp Solutions that provide tools without support, TelebuSocial provides all the support you need to create the best customer experience.  Get started or schedule a demo.

What does Wati do?

Wati Dashboard

WATI is a platform that enables your business to integrate WhatsApp as a channel for communicating with your customers. 

One thing that makes WATI unique is its shared inbox. This feature enables your agents to access all conversations through the shared inbox. 

WATI also offers automation through chatbots and predefined message templates.

In addition to that, WATI lets you send broadcast messages to your contacts. You can schedule these broadcast messages and monitor the response rate, open rate, delivery, and more.

So, how does WATI stand against its competitors? If WATI doesn’t cut it for you, then its alternatives might. Let’s have a look at its alternative options.

What does Twilio do?

Twilio Dashboard

Twilio is a communications platform that offers various communication tools, including SMS and voice communication.

The platform offers Twilio Sandbox for WhatsApp, which allows you to test your app in a developer environment. With the Sandbox, you can start a business-initiated conversation with your customers.  Business-initiated conversations require using pre-approved templates until the user responds to the message.

This means the first messages you send your user can only be pre-approved message templates. 

The platform also provides reports and logs on messages. The logs detail the status of messages and the media by which they were sent.

Twilio is developer-friendly, making navigating challenging for people who are not tech-savvy. 

Twilio’s WhatsApp API integrates easily with other apps. It allows you to customise your messages on Platforms like Zoho and Shopify. 

What does TelebuSocial do?

TelebuSocial Chatbot creator

TelebuSocial is a business messaging platform that allows you to communicate one-on-one with your customers. 

You can integrate TelebuSocial with WhatsApp and other channels, including Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Line, Kik, and more.

TelebuSocial is helpful as a customer support tool. It also offers APIs that can be integrated into your software. These APIs help you send WhatsApp (only) messages to your customers through your app.

It’s also great for sending business messages, engaging in sales conversations, and selling products online.

Also explore Head-2-Head Guide: The Best 9 WhatsApp Marketing Software

TelebuSocial offers chatbots that are easy to create and deploy. These chatbots can be used for automated messaging. It also offers analytics on the performance of the bot provided. 

Building a bot with TelebuSocial is easy. It offers bot templates, and you can use a drag-and-drop builder to build bots for your business.

TelebuSocial integrates seamlessly with CRM, helpdesk, and other software. You can learn more about TelebuSocial.

How are these tools priced?

After learning how WATI, Twilio, and TelebuSocial work, you should also consider their prices before deciding which is best for your business.

WATI pricing

A breakdown of how WATI is priced.

The platform offers three pricing plans, Standard, Pro, and Enterprise, which can be paid monthly or annually. They promise up to 25% discount on annual payments. 

The standard plan, targeted at small-sized companies, accommodates 5 users at $39 monthly and $30 for one additional user. This plan comes with a primary chatbot builder and 10 chatbots.

The Pro plan targets mid-sized companies and accommodates 5 users at $69 monthly and an additional user at $30. This plan comes with a more advanced chatbot builder and 25 Chatbots.

The Enterprise plan accommodates 10 users and offers everything in the Pro plan. 

To get a price for the Pro plan, you have to contact their sales team so they can draw up a plan that is most suitable for your business and give you a quotation for it.

Twilio pricing

Twilio's pricing based on the type of conversation.

Twilio offers a pay-as-you-go WhatsApp pricing model. 

The WhatsApp pricing is charged based on Meta’s conversation-based pricing fee and Twilio’s per-message fee. 

The pricing is dependent on the type of message and conversation being held. Twilio categorises them as utility, authentication, marketing, and service conversations. Each conversation type is charged differently, although similar. 

A calculator on their web platform allows you to project the number of conversations and different types of messages you will send and how much it will cost. 

Take a look at these:

  • Utility conversation costs $0.015/conversation and $0.005/message. 
  • Authentication conversation costs $0.0135/conversation and $0.005/message. 
  • Marketing conversation costs $0.025/conversation and $0.005/message. 
  • Service conversation costs $0.0088/conversation and $0.005/message.

TelebuSocial pricing

TelebuSocial promises the best messaging experience at a cost that is within your budget. 

The pricing can vary depending on the size of your business and other factors, such as the number of users, features required, and the subscription duration. 

TelebuSocial typically offers customised pricing based on individual business needs. 

Here’s TelebuSocial’s pricing plan.

TelebuSocial pricing plans per month: Starter plan, Business plan and Custom plan.

TelebuSocial offers three pricing plans. The starter plan, the business plan, and the custom plan.

The starter plan is targeted at small businesses or start-ups.

Features of the starter plan include:

  • 2 Chat Agents
  • 250 monthly active users
  • 1000 user-initiated conversations
  • Onboarding and setup
  • Message broadcasts and scheduling
  • Team inbox and more 

All the Starter plan offerings are available at $99 per month.

The business plan, targeted at growing enterprises, costs $179 per month.

It comes with 5 chat agents, 1000 monthly active users, 2000 user-initiated conversations, Livechat IOS and Android app.

It also offers Instagram and Facebook chatbots and integration with Zendesk, Salesforce, Zoho, Freshdesk, and other 3rd party apps.

Everything else available in the starter plan is also available in the Business plan.

For the Custom Plan, you’ll need to talk with the Sales team at TelebuSocial. You will have to explain your business needs, and you’ll be offered features that meet those needs.

The Custom Plan comes with 500 GPT or Bard queries, GPT/Bard integration, Quick chatbot training, emotional intelligence, all-new feature updates and more.

TelebuSocial also offers add-ons to help you expand how you can use the software.

Check out how TelebuSocial ranks among other Whatsapp Business API service providers.

TelebuSocial add ons and the price of each add on.
TelebuSocial is a single-window, secure and easy-to-use WhatsApp Business  API with all you need to provide a satisfying customer experience and close leads faster.  Get started or schedule a demo.

How much does it cost to start using WATI?

The cost of using Wati is just as discussed in the previous section. However, it requires that you have the following:

  • You must have admin access to your meta business manager. It also states that you must adhere to WhatsApp’s commerce policy.
  • You must have a phone number that is not linked to any WhatsApp account.

Once this is taken care of, you can proceed to make payment for either the standard plan; $39, or the pro plan; $69 per month. 

The Enterprise plan comes with custom pricing. 

How much does it cost to start using Twilio?

The cost of using Twilio varies depending on the kind of service you’re requesting. 

Twilio usually charges per usage, that is, based on the number of conversations you had and the number of messages sent.

The platform also provides different pricing tiers per country or region. 

Also read: What Makes Customers Tick? Demystifying Customer Psychology

Twilio usually bills monthly. You can view your invoice and manage payment through the Twilio console.

Its WhatsApp API messaging is also charged based on Meta’s conversation-based fee, which changes depending on the type of conversation. 

Twilio’s message fee, however, is $0.005 per message. Additional costs will be incurred when other features are used.

How much does it cost to start using TelebuSocial?

TelebuSocial offers a transparent billing system, such that you pay for only what you use.

The first step to get started on TelebuSocial is to sign up and register your account. 

Next step is to choose which of the three plans is ideal for your business.

The pricing for TelebuSocial starts at $99 and this caters to a wide range of exciting features. 

TelebuSocial also offers add-ons, but you will be required to pay for the add-ons you use as you go.

Base price/ Starter plan$39$0.005/message.$99
Pro/Business plan$69$179

What are users saying? 

Don’t just take our word for it. Hear what other users have to say about these products.

What users have to say about using WATI

Customer reviews about WATI

What users have to say about using Twilio

What users have to say about TelebuSocial

Customer's review on how TelebuSocial helped him scale his business.
TelebuSocial is a single-window, secure and easy-to-use WhatsApp Business  API with all you need to provide a satisfying customer experience and close leads faster.  Get started or schedule a demo.

Features and Capabilities

We’ve spoken quite a lot about how WATI, Twilio, and TelebuSocial can help your business. However, to pick the one that best meets your business needs, you must have a deep understanding of its features. 

Let’s compare their features in detail so you have a better understanding.

Ease of integration

Wati: Wati provides SDKs and APIs for easy integration with various platforms including Zoho and Shopify. This makes it relatively straightforward for developers to integrate.

Customer's review on Wati's ease of use

Twilio: Twilio also offers a range of APIs and SDKs for integration across different channels, making it accessible for developers.

Customer's review on Twilio's ease of use

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial provides easy integration with existing systems and platforms through APIs, ensuring a smooth integration process.

Easy omnichannel deployment

Wati: Wati’s service is limited to only WhatsApp and no other social media channels.

Twilio: Twilio’s platform supports omnichannel communication, enabling your business to interact with customers across channels like Facebook and Instagram.

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial offers omnichannel deployment options. It enhances customer communication through channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

With this feature, you can connect with all your customers from different platforms all at once.

Interactive chatbot builder

Wati: Wati offers a chatbot builder that enables you to create interactive chatbots for automating customer interactions.

Wati Chatbot Builder
Sample image of Wati Chatbot builder

Twilio: Twilio provides tools for building chatbots and automating conversations, although it may require more technical expertise. 

Steps on how to build a chatbot on Twilio.
Twilio chatbot builder.

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial offers a chatbot builder for creating interactive chatbots to enhance customer engagement and support. 

The platform also offers chatbot templates, which makes it easier to build these chatbots.

Sample image of TelebuSocial chatbot builder.
Image Preview of how TelebuSocial chatbots work.

Integration with 3rd-party apps

Wati: Wati can be integrated with Razorpay to send payment links via WhatsApp. You can also integrate it with Google Calendar, Google Sheets, Zoho, WooCommerce, Shopify, and many others.

Twilio: Twilio integrates with CRMs like Agile, Zoho, vTiger CRM, Hubspot, Zapier, Click funnels and more.

TelebuSocial: You can easily TelebuSocial integrate with Google Sheets, Google Calendar, Salesforce, Gorgias, and SMS.

Ease of use and adoption

Wati: Wati offers a user-friendly interface and easy-to-understand features, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

Customer Testimonial on Wati's ease of use and adoption

Twilio: Twilio’s platform may have a steeper learning curve for non-technical users. This is because Twilio is built with developers in mind and it provides tools that are easy to navigate for developers.

Customer testimonial on Twilio's ease of use and adoption

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial focuses on ease of use and adoption, with intuitive interfaces and straightforward workflows for users.

TelebuSocial is a single-window, secure and easy-to-use WhatsApp Business  API with all you need to provide a satisfying customer experience and close leads faster.  Get started or schedule a demo.


Wati: Wati’s solutions are built with modular design, which enables flexibility as your business demands changes.

Twilio: Twilio’s infrastructure is cloud-based and this makes it easy to scale on demand. This means that resources can be dynamically allocated to handle fluctuations in traffic and workload.

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial offers scalable solutions to accommodate your business growth. It also has a cloud computing system that adapts easily to changing requirements by increasing the resources needed.

Customer Support

Wati: Wati offers customer support through various channels like email, chat, and phone, with dedicated support teams to assist you.

Its major support is offered through live chatbots on WhatsApp. Here’s a list of alternatives that offer more than live chats as support.

Customer Testimonial on Wati's customer support.

Twilio: Twilio provides support options, including documentation, community forums, and direct customer support.

Some customers have complained of experiencing delayed responses from their customer support. 

Customer's testimonial on Twilio's customer support.

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial provides customer support through multiple channels, ensuring timely assistance for your queries and issues.


Wati: Wati’s infrastructure is built on advanced technology. Wati’s support team is also always available to receive reports of downtime, in cases where it may occur.

It also employs monitoring systems and rapid response protocols to uphold service consistency.

Customer's review on the reliability of Wati

Twilio: Twilio is known for its reliability and robust infrastructure. Twilio is designed to ensure reliable and available service. 

The platform uses tools such as “Fallback” URLs to track errors that may occur on incoming phone calls.

Customer's review on the reliability of Twilio.

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial focuses on providing reliable communication services, with measures in place to minimize downtime. 

Its customer support is also available round the clock to attend to technical issues where they may occur.


Wati: Wati prioritizes security, offering encryption and compliance with data protection standards to safeguard customer information.

This works well because WATI is based on Whatsapp which provides end-to-end encryption for messages.

Twilio: Twilio maintains a strong focus on security, with features like encryption, access controls, and compliance certifications.

Twilio also uses HTTP authentication in conjunction with encryption to ensure security.

Customer's review on Twilio's security.

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial places importance on security measures, including data encryption and compliance with industry regulations to protect user data.


Wati: Wati’s platform is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and features that are easy to navigate for users.

Wati's dashboard showing active chats and team inbox.
Customer's review on the user friendliness of Wati.

Twilio: Twilio’s platform may require some technical knowledge but provides extensive documentation and resources to support users.

Twilio's dashboard showing steps on how to use Twilio.
Customer review on the user-friendliness of Twilio.

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial offers a user-friendly experience, with straightforward tools and workflows for managing communication channels.

TelebuSocial dashboard showing number of deployed bots.

Analytics and Reporting Capabilities

Wati: Wati provides analytics and reporting tools to track communication metrics, monitor performance, and gain insights into customer interactions.

The team’s inbox analytics page provides real-time and historical data about messages and how efficiently they were handled.

Customer's review on Wati's analytics and reporting capabilities.

Twilio: Twilio offers comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing your business to analyze communication data and optimize strategies.

The analytics portal includes:

  • Extended analytical capabilities and custom metrics building
  • Flexible data exports
  • Scheduling of reports and dashboards for delivery to other users
Customer's review on Twilio's analytics and reporting capabilities.

TelebuSocial: TelebuSocial includes analytics and reporting features for measuring communication effectiveness and making data-driven decisions.

TelebuSocial dashboard also provides you reports on deployed bots and the tasks that have been completed.

Comparing Wati, Twilio, and TelebuSocial

Ease of integrationStraightforward for developers to integrateAccessible for developersEasy and smooth integration
Easy omnichannel deploymentAvailable for only WhatsAppLimited to only WhatsApp Offers omnichannel access between Facebook messenger, Instagram, X, Telegram, and many more. 
Interactive chatbot builderOffers interactive chatbot builder.Offers interactive chatbot builder but requires technical expertise to integrate.Offers interactive chatbot builder with templates and drag-and-drop nodes for easy integration.
Integration with 3rd party appsIntegrates with Razorpay, Zoho, Shopify, Woocommerce, and more.Integrates with CRM, Zapier, vTiger, Hubspot and more.Integrates with Google Calendar, Google Sheets, Salesforce, Gorgias, Zapier, and more.
Ease of use and adoptionUser-friendly interface and easy-to-understand features.Steeper learning curve for non-technical users.Provides an intuitive interface and straightforward workflow for users.
Customer supportOffers customer support with customer support teams.Provides support options including documentation. Customer support may not always be available.Provides 24/7 customer support and automated document verification.
ReliabilityEmploys monitoring systems and rapid response protocols in case of downtime.Uses fallback URLs to track errors.Provides customer support round the clock to attend to technical issues.
SecurityUses Whatsapp end-to-end encryptions to secure chats.Combines HTTP authentication with encryption to secure messages.Uses data encryption and complies with industry regulations to protect user data.
User-friendlinessIntuitive interface and easy-to-navigate features.Requires technical knowledge but provides documentation to support users.Offers user-friendly experience with straightforward tools and workflows for managing communication.
Analytics and reporting capabilities The shared inbox dashboard shows the status of tickets and how efficiently the ticket was resolved.The dashboard offers extended analytical capabilities and custom metrics building.The dashboard provides a report on the number of deployed bots, tasks that have been carried out, and the performance of the bot.

Switching from Wati or Twilio to TelebuSocial

If you’re already using Wati or Twilio, switching to TelebuSocial is not as hard as you may imagine.

Here’s how you can do it and get everything ready to go in no time:

The Ultimate Showdown; Wati vs Twilio vs TelebuSocial - Switching from Wati of Twilio to TelebuSocial
TelebuSocial is a single-window, secure and easy-to-use WhatsApp Business  API with all you need to provide a satisfying customer experience and close leads faster.  Get started or schedule a demo.

What TelebuSocial customers are saying about this tool

Customer's testimonial on how TelebuSocial is helping his business achieve flexibility.