WhatsApp Marketing Metrics

10 WhatsApp Marketing Metrics You Must Track

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Prince Dike |

14 Min. To Read

This post will unveil the key WhatsApp marketing metrics you should track to gauge your WhatsApp marketing effectiveness. 

We’ll also show you how using the right tools can empower you to track them for success.

I created this guide by compiling all the metrics experts in WhatsApp marketing use. So you don’t need to read another blog after this.

Let’s get to it!

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10 key WhatsApp marketing metrics to track

These are the 10 metrics you can’t afford to ignore.

  • Delivery Rate
  • Open Rate
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Conversion Rate
  • Opt-Out Rate
  • Replies Within 10 Minutes
  • Average Resolution Time
  • Customer Satisfaction Score
  • Broadcast List Growth Rate
  • Group Engagement Rate

Let’s dig into each WhatsApp marketing metric and learn how to calculate, track, and improve them.

1. Delivery rate

So, you’re not sure if your killer message reached anyone? That’s where the delivery rate comes in.

This is the first WhatsApp marketing metric you must track.

Why it matters

A high delivery rate means your messages are reaching your contacts. A low delivery rate means fewer people see your message.

If it’s low, here’s why and what you can do.

  • Wrong phone numbers. If your list contains inaccurate numbers, messages go nowhere. Double-check phone numbers when people sign up. Remove any that bounce.
  • Inactive accounts. The numbers in your list may not be on WhatsApp. Try sending an SMS as an alternative messaging route.
  • You were blocked. People don’t want their phone buzzing all day. Sending too many messages can get you blocked. Don’t spam. Only send relevant messages and special offers.

How to calculate your delivery rate

Delivery Rate = (Delivered Messages / Total Messages Sent) x 100.

For example, you send a message to 1,000 people. If 950 messages land, your delivery rate is a sweet 95%.

Remember: Keep your list clean. Get people to opt in clearly before adding them. And avoid being too salesy. This way, your messages will reach the right audience and guarantee success.

Next up, here’s another key WhatsApp marketing metric to track.

2. Open rate

Now, your messages have reached their destination. But are they piquing the receiver’s curiosity?

The open rate is another WhatsApp marketing metric you must track. It shows how many people opened your message and took a peek inside.

A high open rate means your messages are catchy and relevant to your recipients.

Why it matters

An excellent open rate shows people are interested in your message.

If it’s low, it’s likely that your message’s first lines aren’t grabbing attention.

In that case, here’s what to do.

  • Use personalisation. Use people’s names in your first line. It makes them feel unique and more likely to open.
  • Create urgency. Create a sense of urgency with “limited time” or “exclusive offer.”
  • Spark curiosity. Spark people’s interest with a question or intriguing statement in your first line.
  • Keep it short and sweet. People are busy and scrolling fast. Keep your first lines concise and to the point. Ideally, it should be under 50 characters.

How to calculate your open rate

How to calculate your open rate

Open Rate = (Number of Opened Messages / Total Delivered Messages) x 100.

For example, out of your 950 delivered messages (from the delivery rate in the first metric), 800 are open. Your open rate is a solid 84%.

Remember: clear, concise, and personalised first lines pique curiosity. This will entice people to open your messages and see your offer.

Want to turn those message openers into clickers? Check out this next metric.

3. Click-through Rate (CTR)

Congratulations 🎉 Your first lines captivate your contacts, and they open your messages.

But the real question is, what are they doing with your message? Are they taking the next step?

The Click-Through Rate (CTR) tells how many people who opened your message clicked on your link.

This could be a link to your website, a special offer, or any other destination you want them to visit.

Why it matters

A good CTR shows that your messages aren’t just attractive but also prompt people to engage.

If your CTR is high, it means your message is effective. If it’s low, your message is either not compelling enough, or the link isn’t clear.

Here’s what to do if your CTR is low.

  • Use clear Calls to Action (CTAs). Tell people exactly what you want them to do with a strong CTA like “Shop Now” or “Learn More.”
  • Craft compelling content. Make the content of your message valuable and relevant to your audience. Highlight what’s in it for them.
  • Use eye-catching visuals. Humans are drawn to visuals. Include an image or GIF that complements your message and grabs attention.
  • Make it easy to click. Don’t bury your link. Place it prominently in your message and use clear, concise language to describe what clicking it will do.

How to calculate your Click-through-rate 

Here’s the formula to track your CTR WhatsApp marketing metric:

How to calculate your Click-through-rate 

CTR = (Number of Clicks / Number of Sent Messages) x 100.

For example, out of those 800 opened messages from the previous metric, 120 people clicked on your link. Your CTR is 15%.

Remember: A high CTR means your message is not just getting read, it’s also driving action. Clear and apparent CTAs, compelling content, and eye-catching visuals drive action.

Now, this brings us to the ultimate metric: conversion.

4. Conversion rate

This WhatsApp marketing metric tracks how many people respond to your WhatsApp messages by taking a desired action, like making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Why it matters

Conversion rate reveals how effective your messaging is at driving sales, leads, or other desired actions.

A high conversion rate means your WhatsApp marketing is working. It shows you’re reaching the right audience with the right message and prompting them to take the next step.

Here’s how to optimise this metric.

  • Analyse your strategy. Identify what’s working and what’s not. This data helps you refine your approach and craft even more compelling messages.
  • Craft clear CTAs. What do you want them to do next? Visit your website, purchase, or sign up for a promotion? Be very clear.
  • Personalise your approach. Segment your audience and adjust your messages accordingly. This increases relevance and makes your offer more appealing to specific customer groups.
  • Don’t make customers jump through hurdles to convert. If you want them to visit your website, include a clickable link within the chat. For purchases, ensure a seamless in-app purchase option is available.

How to calculate your conversion rate

There’s a formula to track your CTR WhatsApp marketing metric:

How to calculate your conversion rate

Conversion Rate = (Number of Converted Customers / Total Recipients) x 100.

Number of conversions = people who take the desired action. Like making a purchase or signing up for a service.

Total interactions = people who interacted with your WhatsApp message. Like opening your message or clicking on a link.

For example, you send a promotional message to 1,000 WhatsApp users.

Of those, 100 people click on a link in your message that leads them to buy on your website.

Your conversion rate would be:

Conversion Rate = (100 conversions / 1,000 total interactions) x 100 = 10%

In this example, 10% is a good sign. This means your WhatsApp marketing efforts are converting a good portion of your audience into paying customers. 

However, you can improve this number. Always test and optimise your campaigns.

When you use TelebuSocial to execute your marketing plan, you don’t only get leads. You get all you need to follow up and track your marketing performance. Get started or schedule a demo.

5. Opt-out rate

Although the opt-out rate metric in your WhatsApp marketing can scare you, you still need to track it.

But hold on because the opt-out rate can be your powerful tool.

Why it matters

Unlike others, a low opt-out rate is a celebration.

A low opt-out rate is fantastic. It means your audience is enjoying the offers in your messages. So, keep up the excellent work.

And a high opt-out rate? A high opt-out rate isn’t a death sentence. So, don’t panic if it spikes. Look at the opt-out rate as a tiny window into your audience’s minds. 

Here’s what you can see.

  • Content relevance. Do your messages resonate with your audience’s needs and interests? Perhaps your content has strayed off course. Revisit your strategy and ensure it aligns with their desires.
  • Frequency frenzy. Are you bombarding people with messages? Remember, quality is better than quantity. Dial it back and find that sweet spot between informative and intrusive.
  • Offer overload. Are your offers falling flat? Maybe they’re not compelling enough. Tailor them to specific audience segments and highlight the actual value they’ll receive.
  • Offer a clear and accessible opt-out option. Don’t hold your audience hostage. Make it simple for them to unsubscribe with a clear and accessible opt-out option inside your messages.
  • Provide exit surveys. Consider offering a brief, optional exit survey to understand why people are unsubscribing. The results might surprise you.

Here’s how to calculate your opt-out rate on WhatsApp:

Opt-out rate = (Number of Unsubscribed Users / Total Recipients) × 100

Remember: A high opt-out rate doesn’t have to spell disaster. It’s an opportunity to listen to your customers.

Now, let’s move on to a metric that reveals real-time excitement.

6. Replies within 10 minutes

This metric measures how many people are responding to your messages almost instantly. It indicates a high level of interest and a genuine two-way conversation.

Why it matters.

A high rate of replies within 10 minutes is like striking gold. It shows your audience isn’t just passively consuming your messages, but they’re actively engaged and eager to interact.

This can lead to valuable customer insights, real-time feedback, and increased sales.

Imagine your message landing in someone’s inbox, and within 10 minutes, you get a reply. That’s every WhatsApp marketer’s dream. And here’s how you can make it your reality.

  • Ask engaging questions. Pose questions beyond simple “yes” or “no” answers. Encourage people to share their thoughts and opinions.
  • Offer timely help. When people have questions or need assistance, address them promptly. This fosters trust and strengthens the relationship.
  • Run interactive campaigns. Host polls, quizzes, or contests that encourage immediate participation.
  • Be responsive and be human. The beauty of WhatsApp is its real-time attributes. When people reply, respond quickly. Even a simple “thanks for reaching out” shows you’re listening and value their interaction.

How to calculate your Replies Within 10 Minutes Rate

Replies within 10 minutes

Replies Within 10 Minutes Rate = (Number of Replies Within 10 Minutes / User-initiated Conversations) x 100.

For example, out of 950 messages delivered, 50 people replied within 10 minutes. Your Replies Within 10 Minutes Rate is 5%.

Next up.

7. Broadcast List Growth Rate

This marketing metric tracks how quickly your WhatsApp broadcast list is expanding.

Why it matters

A healthy broadcast list growth rate shows you’re effectively attracting new subscribers. And that they’re interested in receiving your updates and offers.

A more extensive broadcast list means reaching more potential customers with your messages increasing brand awareness and engagement.

How to calculate your broadcast list growth rate

Broadcast list growth rate = [(New Subscribers Per Period / Previous List Size) x 100]%

New subscribers per period is the total number of people subscribed to your broadcast list within a specific timeframe. For example, weekly or monthly. The previous list size is the total number of subscribers on your broadcast list at the beginning of the chosen timeframe.

For example, let’s assume that at the beginning of the month, you already had 100 subscribers in your broadcast list. By the end of the month, you had gained 20 new subscribers.

Your broadcast list growth rate for the month would be:

[20 new subscribers / 100 (previous list size)] x 100% = 20%.

But you can make it better.

  • Offer valuable content. Provide incentives for people to join your list. This could be exclusive discounts, early access to new products, or informative content unavailable elsewhere.
  • Promote your list across channels. Don’t keep your broadcast list a secret. Advertise it on your website, social media, and physical store (if applicable).
  • Make opt-in easy. Always obtain explicit consent. Do this before adding someone to your broadcast list. Provide straightforward ways for people to sign up for your broadcast list. Consider using QR codes or simple online forms.
  • Make opt-out easy. Offer an easy way to unsubscribe if they no longer wish to receive messages.

And now, to the last but not the least.

Best practices to track and improve WhatsApp marketing campaign metrics

Want to win on WhatsApp marketing? Understand your audience and track the right metrics. Here’s your cheat sheet for you.

1. Set your goals

Before you jump in, figure out what you want to achieve. Do you want happier customers? More sales? Set clear goals that you can measure.

2. Track like a boss

Don’t forget to track your progress using these key WhatsApp marketing metrics. They’ll help you manage every campaign. This way, you can see what’s working and what flops.

3. Know your audience

Not everyone on WhatsApp is the same. Group your customers based on age, interests, or what they’ve bought before. This way, you can send them messages they’ll care about. TelebuSocial can help you segment your WhatsApp broadcasts.

4. See how you stack up

Don’t work in a bubble. Check out how other businesses are doing on WhatsApp. This will help you see where you can improve.

5. Get smarter with TelebuSocial’s dashboard

Stop guessing and start knowing. TelebuSocial’s analytics dashboard shows you exactly how your campaigns are doing. You can see all the essential info and make intelligent decisions based on accurate data.

6. Focus on what matters

Don’t get hung up on stuff that doesn’t matter, like how many people just open your messages. Look at things that show actual results, like sales or happy customers. These are the metrics that will help you win.

7. Test different messages

Marketing is all about trying new things. Experiment with different messages, calls to action, and when you send your messages.  (TelebuSocial can help you manage and track all your tests.)

8. Keep getting better

Marketing is never done. Use the info from TelebuSocial’s dashboard to keep improving your campaigns. Learn what works and what doesn’t, and you’ll crush it on WhatsApp.

You’ll always win big on WhatsApp with a data-driven approach.

Ready to get started? Switch to TelebuSocial today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why should I track WhatsApp marketing metrics?

Imagine driving blindfolded. Tracking metrics is like having headlights for your WhatsApp marketing. You see what works (great messages.) and what flops (boring content). This lets you steer your campaigns for maximum impact.

2. What are the crucial WhatsApp metrics to follow?

Think of these as your dashboard dials: Open Rates (how many people see your messages), Click-Through Rates (who clicks your links), and Conversion Rates (who buys or signs up).

3. How can I track metrics without getting overwhelmed?

Spreadsheets are great for grocery lists, not marketing. TelebuSocial is your secret weapon. It has a user-friendly dashboard that tracks everything for you, giving you clear insights at a glance.

4. What makes TelebuSocial so helpful for WhatsApp marketing?

TelebuSocial is like your marketing sidekick. It tracks metrics, helps you understand what resonates with your audience (laser focus.), and even automates follow-up messages so you never miss a lead.

5. Does TelebuSocial offer a free demo?

Absolutely. Sign up for your FREE TelebuSocial demo today and unlock the data you need to skyrocket your WhatsApp marketing. It’s like having a free marketing consultant in your pocket.

6. How can I get more people to open my WhatsApp messages?

Three things: craft opening lines that grab attention, personalise messages where possible (hey [Name].), and avoid spamming your audience.

7. What are some cool ideas for WhatsApp marketing?

Think beyond just broadcasts. Share exclusive content, run contests to generate excitement, offer real-time customer support, and use it to build a community around your brand.

8. How can I target the right people with my WhatsApp messages?

Segment your audience. Group people based on interests (dog lovers.), demographics (young professionals), or purchase history (past customers). Targeted messages resonate more.

9. Is WhatsApp marketing a good fit for my business?

If your target audience uses WhatsApp, it’s a goldmine. It’s a great way to connect with them directly and build relationships, no matter the size of your business.

In this article