WhatsApp for logistics

How to Use WhatsApp For Your Logistics Business

Tabassum iqbal

Tabassum Iqbal |

24 Min. To Read

In this guide, we’ll explore different ways you can use WhatsApp for your logistics business to deliver the best services to your customers. 

Doing it correctly can translate to increased interaction, happier customers, lower expenses, and increased revenue. 

This guide is based on in-depth research and analysis of real-life examples to provide tips, tricks and best practices that are tested and proven in the real world. 

So, without further ado, let’s get started.

With TelebuSocial, you have all you need to delight your customers with prompt notifications and the best conversational experience on WhatsApp. Get started or schedule a demo.

How can you use WhatsApp for your logistics business?

In this section, I’ll walk you through six ways you can use WhatsApp in your daily logistics business. Whether you run a small business or a large logistics operation, this is useful.

Here they are:

  • Order placement and tracking
  • Customer support
  • Notifications and alerts
  • Group chat for teams
  • Feedback and reviews
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Shipment tracking and status updates
  • Document sharing and verification
  • Delivery scheduling and coordination

Let’s look at each of them one after the other.

1. Order placement and tracking

order placement & tracking chatbot example

You can use WhatsApp to collect customer orders and update them on their deliveries.

Let me show you how to do it. Follow these steps:

  • Choose the right platform: Using the standard WhatsApp for your daily chat with your friends may not be suitable for business use. I won’t recommend it.  You can try the Free WhatsApp Business App if you’re a solopreneur.  But if you run an SME or large company, I recommend WhatsApp business API like TelebuSocial.
  • Set up your business profile: Whether you use standard WhatsApp, WhatsApp business or WhatsApp business API, setting up your profile will let your customers know it’s you. You’d need to enter the following: business name, address, contact details, web URL, and social media handles. You can even briefly describe your business services, work hours and days. 

Now, you’re ready to start receiving and helping your customers track their orders on WhatsApp.

Here’s what you have to do next.

Set up different message templates you can send customers as they contact you to place or track their existing orders.

See four of the most crucial messages, in my opinion.

  • Greetings: You can send automated introductory messages such as “Hello, please share order details for confirmation/order status.”  This is the message your customers will receive when they contact you.
  • Quick replies: You can send replies to common customer queries. You can use WhatsApp Business API to automate these conversations. 
  • Order confirmation: Once you finalise the order delivery date, time and address with your customer, you can send a confirmation message and periodic reminders to keep your customer in the loop and satisfied with your business.  
  • Order tracking details: After the order confirmation, you can share a tracking number or a live link. Additionally, send regular notification alerts to update your customers on the delivery status. 

Should you use a human agent or a bot for this?

You can choose between the two depending on the volume of delivery orders you receive. 

If you have bulk orders, use a bot to automate conversations, reduce customer wait time and enhance efficiency.

But if you’re a relatively smaller entity with manageable customer queries, you can hire a customer support team to handle order tracking and placement-related queries. 

You can use TelebuSocial to integrate a bot or live chat for customer communication. 

Now, you know how to use WhatsApp for order placement and tracking.

Let’s see some benefits of using WhatsApp to collect orders from your customers and help them track their orders.

  • Easy order placement: Using a chatbot, you can automate order placement and make it simple for your customers to place orders. Even without a chatbot, a human agent on WhatsApp is easier for your customers than navigating your website, calling or emailing.
  • Offers 24/7 accessibility: Most customers already use WhatsApp and are familiar with it. This makes it easier to communicate and use it anytime, anywhere. 
  • More trust from customers: You can use WhatsApp to share real-time updates on delivery status, estimate time, and order details, as well as confirmation messages and reminders.
  • Improves work efficiency: By automating customer communication via WhatsApp, you can reduce the workload on your support team. It will also help you get things done faster without room for human error. 
  • Increases customer satisfaction: Because your customers can book delivery, track orders, and get updates any time of the day, they’re happier and more satisfied with their experience.

2. Customer support

customer support chatbot example

WhatsApp lets you talk to your customers anytime, anywhere.

Let me show you how to do it:

  • Choose the right platform: While you can use the standard WhatsApp chat app, I recommend the WhatsApp business app or WhatsApp API\like TelebuSocial. I recommend API or business WhatsApp because of the automation they provide. 
  • Set up an FAQ bot: Live chat is one way to respond to customer inquiries. But you can further simplify it by creating FAQ bots. 

What are the questions to add to your FAQ bot? Based on my research, I’ve got a few suggestions for you: 

  • General information: Here, you can share details about your work hours, contact information, delivery policies, areas/cities/countries where you offer your services, delivery charges, and other business information.
  • Tech support: You can answer common questions like how to book a delivery or add a delivery address or contact details. You must tell your customers how to effectively use your website/platform/app for logistics services. 
  • Billing assistance: Talk about the various payment options, such as upfront charges, CODs, or bank transfers, you accept. 
  • Order status inquiry: Since these are customised replies, you must answer your customers in real time. Ask them for their order details, tracking number, and delivery address to update their delivery status. You can even send auto alerts periodically to keep your customers informed. 

If you’re a small business, you can use the “About Us” section on the WhatsApp Business app to answer some of these common queries. 

On the other hand, if you’re a large corporation or receive many customer queries, you can create a chatbot using a WhatsApp API like TelebuSocial. You can set up auto-replies based on specific keyphrases for fast communication. 

While the bot can handle most customer inquiries, it can also transfer chats to a human agent for critical or urgent matters. 

Now you know how to use WhatsApp for customer support.

Let’s see some benefits of using WhatsApp to reply for customer support:

  • Fast communication: Unlike emails or voicemails, WhatsApp lets you reply instantly to customer queries. 
  • Personalised support: WhatsApp offers direct communication. You get to know your customers well and understand their problems. This way, you can customise support and assistance as required.    
  • Increases efficiency and savings: With WhatsApp API, you can automate mundane communications. This reduces workload, frees up your resources, and reduces operational costs. 
  • Boost interactivity: You can share multimedia-rich content such as emojis, GIFs, videos and images via WhatsApp. It grabs consumers’ attention and encourages them to take action, especially if you add a CTA.

3. Notifications and alerts

WhatsApp notification & alerts examples


You can use broadcast, live chat, or integrate the WhatsApp API to send alerts or notifications to your customers.

Let me show you how to do it:

  • Choose the right platform: You can use the WhatsApp Business app or the API to schedule and send notifications, alerts and reminders. While you may have to spend some time creating an account and registering for WhatsApp Business App or API, it simplifies how you send notifications.
  • Personalise your communication: Your customers may find text-based notifications and reminders boring. Adding emojis, GIFs, or any visuals can make it more interesting. You can also add a CTA button to get your customers to take the required action..
  • Send the proper notifications.

Here are four types of notifications you can send:

  • Delivery confirmation: Once your customers book delivery service, you can send a confirmation message that includes the tracking code, delivery time, date, address and service charges.  
  • Shipping details: Apart from the confirmation message, you can share a live link to help customers track their delivery orders in real-time. You can even give route details and send alerts in case of an unexpected delay. 
  • Delivery alerts and updates: You can keep your customers posted with regular updates, such as when their parcel is on the way. You can also provide them with the estimated delivery time and send a reminder message closer to the delivery date or location.
  • General information: You can send any general updates, such as changes in terms & conditions, holiday announcements or unexpected delivery delays, to keep your customers in touch with you. 

Should you use live chats or automated messages for this?

Automated automated messages are perfect for quick updates like order confirmations or shipping notifications.

You can also integrate the WhatsApp API into your application to send OTP codes to your customers via WhatsApp.

Depending on the volume of your orders and customer base, you can use a bot or hire a human agent to handle these communications. 

You can automate everything with a bot if you’re a big business with many deliveries. Smaller startups or solopreneurs can handle things with a friendly face. 

WhatsApp offers several advantages for sending notifications and alerts in your logistics business:

  • Keeps customers informed: By sharing updates regularly via WhatsApp broadcasts, you can inform your customers about the latest happenings, new offers and sales. 
  • Reduces call/message volume: When you share details such as estimated delivery time, work hours, tracking details and order statuses, it keeps your customers in the loop, and they do not unnecessarily call or message.
  • Increases transparency: Because your customers can get real-time delivery updates (status, tracking, delays), they can trust you and feel more in control. 
  • Increases reach: You can reach almost all your customers directly on WhatsApp.

4. Group chats for teams

WhatsApp Group chat for internal communication

Because of the ease of use and the fact that everyone on your team would be on WhatsApp, you can use WhatsApp for team communication. 

Let me show you how to do it.

  • Choose the right platform: Your standard WhatsApp chat feature will do well, but I recommend you use the WhatsApp Business App. You only need to create a WhatsApp group and add all your team members. 
  • Segment your resources: You can create separate groups for each department, such as HR, admin, logistics managers, and/or drivers, to streamline communication. 

In addition, you can also create groups for different designations like C-level executives, managers, and new joiners. WhatsApp lets you easily share files, voice notes, videos, product images, and more.  

Now that you’re ready to talk to your team on WhatsApp, here’s what you should do next. 

You can set up templates, such as welcome messages for new employees, leave applications, appraisal forms, project assignments, shift hours and time in/out.

Create clear guidelines for your employees on how to use WhatsApp for work-based conversations. It will prevent your employees from sending irrelevant messages in the group and also maintain confidentiality when you share sensitive business or customer data. 

You can even set up message templates as your employees contact you for more information on business operations. 

I believe these are the most crucial message types every logistics business can use when talking to their team members.:

  • Welcome message: Whenever a new employee joins your company, you can send them a warm welcome message to make them feel a part of your business from day one. 
  • Task assignment and management: Your managers and team leads can use this template to share delivery details such as package size, weight, location, and other relevant information. You can also add delivery dates and any other special notes you want your delivery team to consider.  
  • Reminders and announcements: Introduced a new policy? Upcoming holidays? You can share important news on WhatsApp instead of sending boring emails or sticking memos on the office board. 
  • Knowledge base: Sharing training documents when hiring a new employee is monotonous and arduous. You can use the WhatsApp Group info section to upload documents or links so that every new joiner can automatically access it. 

Though you can use WhatsApp for team communication, I don’t recommend it.


Security and privacy.

It’s easier for a security or privacy breach on WhatsApp. Remember, your team members will be using their regular WhatsApp.

I recommend you separate concerns and use a dedicated and simple team communication app like Talk Magnet. You can use the free trial to see how it works and fits your communications needs.

5. Feedback and reviews

WhatsApp customer feedback bot example

Your job doesn’t end with delivering the package. To show that you care, follow up with your customers and ask them about their experience with you. 

If you use WhatsApp, you can ask for star ratings, feedback, complaints and concerns, or anything else that describes how your customers feel. 

Let me show you how you can collect customer reviews via WhatsApp without sounding business-like:

  • Choose the right platform: Normal WhatsApp looks informal for business use, so I suggest using WhatsApp Business App or API like TelebuSocial. It will help you automate the messages and create templates so you won’t write a new message every time.
  • Request for feedback: After completing a delivery, you can send an automated feedback request message or get a customer service agent to contact the customer via 1-1 chat. You can either request open-ended feedback or send a pole on WhatsApp. 

Should you use a human agent or bot to collect customer feedback and reviews?

While bots seem a better fit as they automate the entire process, they miss out on the human touch. 

Work with a human agent or transfer the chat to one in case of concerns and complaints. 

This will allow you to resolve issues promptly and make your customers happy. 

WhatsApp offers several advantages for gathering feedback and reviews in your logistics business:

  • Higher chances of getting a review: Customers are more likely to respond to messages on WhatsApp than traditional emails or calls. 
  • Real-time insights: You can gather feedback promptly after a delivery or interaction, capturing fresh perspectives on the customer experience. 
  • Make your customers feel valued: Asking for feedback shows them you care about their experience. They are likelier to do business with you again when they feel heard, even if the first experience wasn’t so good. 

6. Promotions and marketing

You can reach customers through WhatsApp with special offers, promotions, and exclusive deals. 

Let me show you how to do it:

  • Choose the right platform: Use WhatsApp broadcasts on the Business WhatsApp App and API (like TelebuSocial) to share promotional content. 
  • Set up promotional content: You can make videos, reels, or an ad-format image and send it as a WhatsApp broadcast. Text-based templates can also help you get some results but may not hook your audience. You can add your social media handles, promo code, business URL or contact details. 

Since these are one-way conversations, you must be creative and personalised to grab your customers’ attention. 

I will share a few marketing and promotional message ideas you can use to keep your customers engaged:

  • Announcements about sales offers and upcoming services
  • Adding price, CTAs and book now buttons 
  • Offer rewards on subscriptions and loyalty programs to your customers who frequently use your services. 

While WhatsApp broadcasts are one way to talk about your services, new offers, sales and discounts, you can also use live chats. It adds a personalised touch and lets customers learn more about your offers in real time. 

If you’re a small business, you can hire an agent to handle live chat, but SMEs and large corporations can use bots to tackle the excess workload.

7. Shipment tracking and status updates

 Shipment tracking and status updates using whatsapp

You can use WhatsApp to keep your customers informed about their shipments in real time to make them more certain of getting their delivery at the time you promised. 

Here’s how you can effectively manage shipment tracking and status updates on WhatsApp:

  • Choose the right platform: For larger companies or SMEs, the WhatsApp Business API is recommended, such as TelebuSocial, which offers more advanced features and automation capabilities.
  • Set up your business profile: Ensure that your WhatsApp business profile is fully set up to provide essential information to your customers. Include your business name, address, contact details, website URL, and social media handles. You can also add a brief description of your services and your operating hours.
  • Set up message templates: Prepare different message templates like greetings, status updates, tracking details and more.
  • Choose between a bot or a human agent: Depending on your order volume, you can decide between using a bot (for higher volume) or a customer support team (for smaller operations).

Get a FREE demo to see how to integrate either a bot or live chat options for handling shipment tracking using TelebuSocial.

What are the benefits of using WhatsApp for shipment tracking and status updates?

  • Enhanced transparency: Your customers receive real-time updates, reducing uncertainty about their shipment status.
  • Convenience: Customers can easily track their shipments without navigating multiple platforms or making phone calls.
  • Increased efficiency: Automation through bots reduces manual effort and speeds up communication with your package senders and receivers.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Timely and accurate updates lead to a better customer experience and increased trust in your service.

8. Document sharing and verification

Here’s how to effectively use WhatsApp to simplify document sharing and verification in your logistics operations.

  • Choose the right platform: Pick the right WhatsApp version for your business. For small setups, the WhatsApp Business App will do. For advanced needs, go with WhatsApp messaging solutions like TelebuSocial for seamless document handling.
  • Set up your business profile: Make your WhatsApp profile complete with your business name, address, contact details, and a brief description. This helps clients easily find and understand your services.
  • Set up document sharing protocols: Guide clients to upload documents with automated prompts like, “Please upload your documents for verification.” Send updates like, “We’ve received your document and are reviewing it.” Ask for additional info with messages like, “We need more documentation. Please provide [details].” Then, confirm receipt with, “Your documents have been successfully verified. Thank you!” You can set up a chatbot for this.
  • Choose between a bot or a human agent: Use a bot for high volumes to automate receipt and queries. For complex issues, a support team offers personalised help.

9. Delivery scheduling and coordination

Delivery scheduling and coordination using whatsapp for logistics business

How can you do this?

Here’s how:

  • Choose the right platform: For optimal performance, I recommend you use WhatsApp Business API like TelebuSocial. The WhatsApp Business App is also suitable for smaller operations.
  • Set up your business profile: Ensure your profile is fully detailed with your business’s essential information for easy interaction.
  • Implement scheduling and coordination: You can set up a chatbot flow for appointment scheduling. This enables your customer to schedule appointments at any time of the day.
  • Confirmation and reminders: Keep everyone updated on delivery details. Notify changes and delays instantly. Facilitate direct communication between drivers and customers.
  • Choose between a bot or a human agent: Opt for a bot for routine tasks or a team for complex coordination.

Normal WhatsApp vs WhatsApp Business App vs WhatsApp Business API?

Which should you use for your logistics business?

This section will explore them to determine which is right for you. 

1. Regular WhatsApp

This free tool lets you talk to your friends and family anytime. Its encrypted messaging ensures that all your conversations are safe and secure. Send text or voice messages with just a click. 

Reply with emojis, GIFs, or videos to make your interaction fun and lively. Moreover, you can also place a call just as you do with a regular phone or make video calls like Zoom or Skype. 

FreeFast and reliableBlue ticks to ensure the message is read and receivedDMs for private conversations, group chats for the entire familyDoesn’t provide the needed privacy and security for business use.

2. WhatsApp Business app

difference between regular whatsapp and the whatsapp business app

WhatsApp Business App can be used for several business purposes, from customer support to marketing to setting up a digital store for online sales and everything in between. 

Here are some of the most common use cases.

Easy to set up and useFree of costBasic automated messaging and labelsProfessional business profileDigital catalogue storeEnhanced customer communication and engagementLimited bulk broadcast capacity and analyticsNo WhatsApp chatbot and automationLack of advanced features for larger businesses

WhatsApp Business App is perfect for small businesses such as local shops. 

However, if you’re a bigger business, you’ll need more sophisticated features to manage communication for a mass audience. That’s when you need WhatsApp Business API.

3. WhatsApp Business API

The WhatsApp API is designed for businesses to handle large-scale communication with their customers more personally using advanced automation and customisation features.

Here, we will list down some of the interactive tools of WhatsApp API that set it apart from the WhatsApp business:

  • Shared Team Inbox
  • Chatbots and chatbot builder
  • 3rd Party Integrations
  • In-built CRM
  • Admin Control
  • Detailed Analytics

WhatsApp Business API is a powerful tool that lets you reach out to your customers via various social channels, your business website, or a mobile app. You can use it for:

  • Realtime customer support
  • Automated onboarding
  • Order processing and updates
  • Payment processing
  • Feedback collection
  • Personalised marketing
  • Appointment scheduling and reminders

These use cases show WhatsApp business API’s robust functionality and versatility. It enhances customer engagement, helps provide consistent support and boosts sales. 

Advanced technologyScalable business communication solutionIntegratable with 3rd party appsCustomisable to meet your unique business needsExpensiveSet up can be complex

One of the most crucial considerations of WhatsApp Business API is that it requires approval from WhatsApp. 

While you can use Meta to access WhatsApp API, the documentation and verification process can be lengthy and technical. 

However, you can work with API service providers like TelebuSocial to help you with the API documentation and integration process.

AspectWhatsAppWhatsApp Business AppWhatsApp Business API
Intended UsersPersonal useSmall business ownersMedium to large businesses
FeaturesBasic messaging, voice and video calls, multimedia sharingBusiness profile, automated messages, broadcasts (up to 256 contacts), labelsUnlimited broadcasts, chatbots, analytics, team inbox, integrations
CostFreeFreeUsage-based pricing

What are the best practices for using WhatsApp for your logistics business?

Let me share three best practices with you.

1. Ensuring data privacy and compliance

Your customers share personal data such as their address, phone number, email ID, and sometimes even bank details for payment. You can ensure transparency and data security by explicitly mentioning why you need this information and how you will use it. Ask for their consent even before they share their information with you.

2. Managing customer expectations

Whenever your customers send you a message, they expect to hear from you instantly. If you’re not using bots or automated messages, it becomes very challenging to reply to customers at any time of the day.

To avoid such disappointments, you can pre-define your response time and work hours, even for WhatsApp conversations. In addition, you can stay proactive in most cases and send notifications on queries like estimated delivery time, tracking details, and order status or alerts on unexpected delays.

You can use quick reply templates on WhatsApp business and API for faster and instant response to common customer inquiries.   

3. Using data analytics to measure communication efficiency

WhatsApp Business and API has an interactive analytical dashboard that lets you measure key metrics such as reach, open rate, and engagement. 

These numbers help you understand your customers’ pain points and identify areas for improvement. 

Why is TelebuSocial the best WhatsApp solution for your logistics business?

The reason is simple. 

TelebuSocial helps you use the WhatsApp API to its full potential without the headache of any technical difficulties. 

With TelebuSocial, you get a 14-day trial as soon as you create an account, or you can even book a demo before starting. It is a comprehensive messaging platform with tools and features that let you communicate with your customers on WhatsApp and other social channels. 

Here are six features you enjoy when you use TelebuSocial:

  • Interactive chatbot builder and chatbots
  • Language agnostic API
  • Admin control
  • 3P integrations
  • Single-window access
  • Customisable analytical dashboard

So what sets TelebuSocial apart as a better choice? 

Here are five more reasons why TelebuSocial is the best WhatsApp API provider.

1. User friendly

With its clean interface and easy-to-use features, TelebuSocial offers an excellent customer experience. In addition, detailed documentation, helpful resources and consistent customer support make it easier to use the app. 

With zero coding chatbot builder, the not-so-tech-savvy business owners can also unleash the power of chatbots without much hassle. 

2. Excellent customer support

TelebuSocial is known for its outstanding customer support. We offer 24/7 customer service in a language you’re most comfortable speaking. We have a multilingual team, whether it’s English, Arabic or Hindi, ready to help you from your registration to when you send your first message to your customers. And beyond.

3. Omnichannel presence

As you know by now, TelebuSocial integrates with almost every social channel, your website, app or any third-party tool. 

So, your brand gets an omnichannel presence that allows you to communicate and stay connected with your audience at every touchpoint. 

4. Multiple uses

Every business is different and has its own unique needs. If you’re a logistics company struggling to keep tabs on your drivers or want to keep your customers updated on the delivery status, we have a tailored solution for you. 

From our chatbots to our marketing message templates, you will get everything customised to meet your unique business requirements and goals.

Check out our website to schedule a demo, or use Telebusocial for 14 days without charges.


Is WhatsApp secure enough for logistics communication?

Yes. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption. However, adhering to all relevant data protection regulations is essential to maintain compliance, especially when sharing sensitive logistics information.

Can I use WhatsApp to send shipment updates to customers?

Absolutely. WhatsApp is an excellent tool for sending timely shipment updates to customers. Leveraging the WhatsApp Business App or WhatsApp API allows for automated updates, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing inquiries about shipment statuses.

What is the difference between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business App for logistics companies?

WhatsApp is primarily designed for personal use, while WhatsApp Business caters to the needs of businesses, including logistics companies. WhatsApp Business offers features like business profiles, quick replies, labels, and greeting messages, which are beneficial for professional communication with customers and partners.

How can I ensure data security when using WhatsApp for logistics?

To maintain data security, always obtain consent before sharing any sensitive logistics information via WhatsApp. Additionally, ensure your team is trained on best practices for handling and protecting confidential data to prevent unauthorised access.

Can WhatsApp integrate with my logistics management system?

Yes, WhatsApp API, like TelebuSocial, allows seamless integration with your existing logistics management system. By integrating WhatsApp messaging, you can streamline communication processes, facilitate real-time updates, and enhance operational efficiency.

How can I use WhatsApp to improve customer service in logistics?

WhatsApp can be utilised to provide proactive customer service in logistics by sending shipping updates, handling inquiries, and resolving issues promptly. Implementing chatbots and automated responses can further streamline customer interactions and improve overall satisfaction. We discussed all of these in this article. Scroll up to learn more.

What should I do if sensitive information is shared over WhatsApp?

If sensitive information is shared, respond professionally and maintain privacy. Advise against sharing sensitive data over messaging platforms and suggest using more secure channels for confidential communications, such as encrypted email or secure file transfer systems.

How can I manage a large volume of customer inquiries on WhatsApp?

Utilising WhatsApp API enables efficient handling of large volumes of customer inquiries. Implementing chatbots for common queries can help manage customer communications effectively.

Are there any costs associated with using WhatsApp for my logistics business?

WhatsApp Business App is free to use, but there may be costs associated with using WhatsApp API, depending on the volume of messages sent. Consider your business needs and message volume when deciding which WhatsApp solution suits your logistics operations.

In this article