How to use WhatsApp for sales

How to Use WhatsApp For Sales

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Prince Dike |

23 Min. To Read

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use WhatsApp for sales and craft messages that convert. 

This will include examples, use case scenarios, tips, and best practices for best results.

TelebuSocial makes closing deals on WhatsApp as fun as chatting with a friend. Learn more or schedule a demo.

Getting started with WhatsApp for sales, step-by-step

Setting up your WhatsApp for sales is straightforward. There are two options available:

  • WhatsApp Business app 
  • WhatsApp Business API.

Let’s thrash each one.

Option 1: Using the WhatsApp Business app (free)

Ideal for: Small businesses or those just starting with WhatsApp for sales.

Baseline open rate: 58%

This option lets you connect one phone number to your WhatsApp Business account. It’s a user-friendly way for you to handle conversations on WhatsApp sales.

Learn how to sell your products on WhatsApp.

Here’s how to set up your WhatsApp Business for sales.

Step 1: Download the app

How to download and get started with the WhatsApp Business app

Google Play Store for Android or the App Store for iPhone. Search for “WhatsApp Business” and download the app.

Step 2: Register a business phone number

How to verify your phone number on the WhatsApp Business app

Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your business phone number.

Step 3: Create your business profile

How to set up your business profile on the WhatsApp Business app

Fill up these spaces:

✅ Business name: Clearly display your company’s name.

✅ Profile picture: Use your company logo for easy recognition.

✅ Description: Briefly describe what your business offers (a few sentences will do).

✅ Contact information: Include your website and email address (optional) for additional contact options.

✅ Hours of operation: Set clear expectations for when customers can expect a response through WhatsApp.

Step 4: Craft a welcoming message

How to set up the greeting message on the WhatsApp Business app

This automatic message greets customers when they first message your business.

Keep it friendly and informative, briefly introduce your company, and set expectations for response times.

Step 5: Explore additional settings

How to set up your catalog on the WhatsApp Business app

Take advantage of WhatsApp Business’ other features. Like the product/service catalogue and quick replies for FAQs (frequently asked questions).

Setting up FAQs saves you time and ensures consistent responses.

Option 2: Using the WhatsApp Business API (paid)

Ideal for larger businesses. Or those needing advanced features. Like chatbot builders, managing multiple agents, sending automated messages, or integrating with CRM systems.

Baseline open rate: 99%.

The WhatsApp Business API offers a powerful suite of tools for managing large-scale sales conversations.

However, it requires some technical setup. And it usually incurs fees based on message volume.

Also check: Best WhatsApp Bulk Message Sender

When you work with a WhatsApp API provider like TelebuSocial, you have all you need to start using WhatsApp at scale. Our product team will help you set up your account and onboard your sales team from beginning to end.

Get started with TelebuSocial, or book a demo today.

Building relationships on WhatsApp

Selling on WhatsApp starts with building trust and respecting customer privacy.

Let’s tackle the foundation for getting better sales on WhatsApp.

Before diving into sales pitches, you must obtain the customer’s consent. And it should specify that they wish to be contacted on WhatsApp.

Here’s why this matters:

  • Legality: spamming customers on WhatsApp can lead to account restrictions.
  • Respecting privacy: seeking consent beforehand means they trust you.

So, how do you get consent politely? There are three ways you can do that.

1. During in-store interactions

A customer expresses interest in your product or service. Next, ask if they’d like to receive updates or similar special offers on WhatsApp.

Explain the benefits. For example, exclusive deals and product notifications.

Then, assure them you won’t bombard them with messages.

2. Website opt-in forms

Include a clear and concise form on your website. There, customers can sign up for your WhatsApp updates.

3. Existing customer communication

You’ve already gotten a customer’s email address or phone number. With their consent, of course.

You can politely ask if they want to connect with you on WhatsApp.

Remember, Be clear about the type of content they’ll receive and how often.

How to write the welcome message

Now you have a customer’s consent. It’s time to make a positive first impression with a welcoming message.

This is your chance to introduce your brand and set expectations for communication.

Here’s what to include in your welcome message:

  • Warm greeting: Start with a friendly greeting, like “Hi [Customer Name],” to personalise the experience.
  • Brand introduction: Briefly introduce your company and what you offer.
  • Expectation setting: Let customers know your typical response time and business hours.
  • Call to action (optional): You can include a gentle call to action, like inviting them to ask any questions they might have.

Example of a welcome message:

“Hi [Customer Name], thanks for connecting with [Business Name] on WhatsApp. We offer a variety of [products or services]. We typically respond within 24 hours during business hours (Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM). Feel free to ask any questions you might have about our products.”

Obtaining consent lays the groundwork for positive and productive sales conversations on WhatsApp.

Also, learn: How to Schedule Messages on WhatsApp

The following section will handle perfect sales messages for WhatsApp.

Techniques in action: crafting compelling sales messages

You’ve established trust and set expectations with your customers on WhatsApp. It’s now time to craft messages that grab their attention and drive sales.

Here’s how to put your message-writing skills into action:

1. Opening lines: making a great first impression

The opening line of your message sets the tone for the entire conversation. A strong opening line piques customer interest and encourages them to keep reading.

Here are some techniques to use:

  • Personalise it: Use the customer’s name whenever possible.
  • Reference previous interactions: If you’ve interacted with the customer before (e.g., in-store visit, website inquiry), politely acknowledge that interaction in your opening line.
  • Address specific needs: If you have some context about the customer’s interest (e.g., they inquired about a particular product), mention it in your opening line to show you’ve been paying attention.

Here are examples of strong opening lines for different scenarios.

Scenario 1: Following up on a website inquiry.

Weak opening: “Hi there, regarding your inquiry…” (Generic and impersonal)

Strong opening: “Hi [Customer Name], I noticed you inquired about our [Product] on our website. Would you like to learn more about its benefits?” (Personalised and addresses specific interest)

Scenario 2: Responding to a customer who has expressed interest in a product

Weak opening: “Thanks for your message.” (Unclear purpose)

Strong opening: “Hi [Customer Name], thanks for your message about the [Product]. Are you interested in learning more about its features?” (Direct and addresses customer’s interest)

Scenario 3: Re-engaging a customer who hasn’t responded to a previous message

Weak opening: “Just checking in…” (Can come across as pushy)

Strong opening: “Hi [Customer Name], hope you’re doing well. We wanted to follow up on your interest in our [Product]. Do you have any questions?” (Friendly and offers value)

2. Answering inquiries: offering help

After a captivating opening line, you need to deliver the goods.

Here’s how to craft concise and informative responses to customer questions that build trust and position you as a helpful expert:

  • Active listening: Before crafting a response, take a moment to understand the customer’s question truly.
  • Focus on clarity: Avoid technical jargon and use simple, easy-to-understand language.
  • Address their specific needs: Don’t provide generic answers. Tailor your response to their particular question and situation.
  • Highlight benefits: When answering product-related questions, weave in the benefits that address the customer’s needs.

Let’s examine some scenarios.

Scenario 1: A customer asks, “Is the [Product] easy to use?”

Unhelpful response: “Yes, it’s easy to use.” (Lacks detail)

Helpful response: “Absolutely. The [Product] is designed with user-friendliness in mind. It comes with a user guide and video tutorials to get you started quickly.” (Clear, informative, and addresses the benefit of user-friendliness)

Scenario 2: A customer asks, “How long does it take to receive my order?”

Unhelpful response: “It depends on shipping options.” (Vague)

Helpful response: “Great question. We offer standard shipping (3-5 business days) and expedited shipping (1-2 business days). You can choose your preferred option at checkout.” (Provides precise details and highlights options)

Remember: Clear and informative responses build trust and position you as a valuable resource. By addressing the customer’s specific needs and highlighting product benefits, you’re well to closing the sale.

Next, we’ll explore the art of subtly nudging customers towards a purchase without being pushy. Stay tuned.

3. Nudging towards purchase: the gentle art of the sale

Now that you’ve answered questions and built rapport, it’s time to guide the customer towards a purchase gently.

Here’s how to nudge them in the right direction without feeling pushy:

  • Offer value, not just sales pitches: Instead of bombarding them with sales talk, offer valuable resources like product demos, free trials, or informative content. This builds trust and showcases the product’s benefits.
  • Highlight special offers (sparingly): Limited-time discounts or special offers can incentivise a purchase. However, use them sparingly to avoid seeming desperate.
  • Plant the purchased seed: Subtly ask questions, encouraging them to consider a purchase. For example, “Would you like to schedule a free demo to see if the [Product] fits your needs?”
  • Showcase social proof: Share positive customer testimonials or reviews. These help you to build trust for your product.

Let’s examine some scenarios.

Scenario: A customer seems interested in a product’s features.

Pushy nudge: “So, when are you going to buy it?” (Too direct)

Gentle nudge: “The [Feature] you mentioned is a real game-changer. Would you like to see it in action with a free product demo?” (Offers value and highlights a specific benefit)

Scenario: A customer expresses hesitation about the price.

Unskilled nudge: “Trust me, it’s worth it.” (Sounds inauthentic)

Skilled nudge: “We understand price is important. Did you know we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee? This way, you can test the [Product] risk-free and see for yourself.” (Addresses the concern and highlights a risk-free trial)

Remember: A gentle nudge encourages the customer to take the next step without feeling pressured. Increase your chances of closing the deal by offering value, highlighting benefits, and using subtle sales tactics.

In the next section, we’ll dive into the art of navigating objections and confidently closing the sale on WhatsApp.

4. Setting expectations: transparency is key

Here’s how to use a “Welcome Message” to effectively manage expectations.

  • Transparency about response times: Let customers know your typical response time (e.g., “We typically respond within 24 hours during business hours”). This avoids frustration and sets realistic expectations.
  • Availability during business hours: If you have specific business hours for WhatsApp communication, mention them clearly (e.g., “Our WhatsApp support is available Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM”).
  • Out-of-office message (optional): Consider setting an out-of-office message for times when you’re unavailable (e.g., “We’re currently out of the office but will respond by [date]”).

Here’s an example.

“Hi [Customer Name], thanks for connecting with [Business Name] on WhatsApp. We typically respond within 24 hours during business hours (Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM). Feel free to ask any questions you might have about our products.”

TelebuSocial makes closing deals on WhatsApp the norm, not the exception. Learn more or schedule a demo.

You’ve nurtured leads, addressed their questions, and subtly nudged them towards a purchase.

Now, it’s time to close the deal.

Converting leads into sales: closing the deal on WhatsApp

Here’s how to identify buying signals and confidently guide your customers towards a sale on WhatsApp.

1. Identifying buying signals: recognising customer interest

Not all customers explicitly say, “I’m ready to buy”. So, you have to look out for signals in their behaviour. It can reveal their intent to purchase.

Here are some key buying signals to watch for on WhatsApp.

  • Asking detailed questions: Customers who ask detailed questions about product features, pricing, or functionalities are likely engaged and seriously considering a purchase.
  • Expressing urgency: Phrases like “I need this by [date]” or “Can I order this right now?” indicate a strong desire to buy.
  • Comparing products: If a customer compares your product to competitors, it shows they’re in the final decision-making stage.
  • Asking about payment options: Customers inquiring about payment methods or instalment plans are nearing a purchase decision.

Let’s examine some indications.

Customer 1: “Does the [Product] come with a warranty?” (Asking about details suggests interest)

Customer 2: “I’m really interested in this product. Can I place an order today?” (Expressing urgency indicates purchase intent)

Identifying buying signals or recognising customer interest with examples

Customer 3: “How does your [Product] compare to Brand X’s product?” (Comparing options is a sign of being close to a decision)

Customer 4: “Do you offer financing options for this purchase?” (Asking about payment suggests serious consideration)

By recognising these buying signals, you can tailor your approach and confidently guide the customer towards a purchase.

2. Handling objections: addressing customer concerns

Even the most interested customer might raise objections before making a purchase.

Here’s how to navigate these objections effectively and confidently close the deal.

  • Acknowledge the concern: Start by validating their concern. Let them know you understand their hesitation.
  • Offer solutions: Don’t be dismissive. Address their specific concern by providing solutions, highlighting product features, or offering alternative options.
  • Focus on value: Remind them of the product’s benefits and how it solves their needs.
  • Use social proof (optional): Share customer testimonials or reviews to showcase the product’s value and build trust.

Here are some common objections and how to handle them.

Objection 1: “The price is a bit too high.”

Response: “We understand that price is important. The [Product] is a premium product with [list key features and benefits]. We also offer a [mention any discounts or financing options] to make it more accessible.”

Objection 2: “I’m unsure if this product is right for me.”

Response: “No worries. Tell me more about your specific needs, and I can help you see if the [Product] is a good fit. For example, many customers use it to [address a common pain point].”

Objection 3: “I need to do more research before deciding.”

Response: “Absolutely. We’re confident in our product, so take your time to research. In the meantime, here are some helpful resources [link to product brochures or FAQs].”

Here are some other examples.

Customer: “This seems a little expensive.” (Price objection)

You: “Thanks for letting me know. The [Product] may seem expensive upfront, but it’s built to last and can save you money in the long run by [explain cost-saving benefits].”

Customer: “I’m not sure if I need all the features.” (Value objection)

You: “No problem. Tell me what you’re hoping to achieve, and I can show you how the [Product] ‘s core features can help you [address their specific needs].”

By acknowledging concerns, offering solutions, and highlighting product value, you can effectively overcome objections and increase your chances of closing the sale.

Up next: WhatsApp’s features that help you get and convert leads.

Understanding WhatsApp’s built-in sales features

WhatsApp offers powerful features specifically designed to enhance your sales conversations.

Here’s a breakdown of two key features to leverage.

1. Product catalogues: showcase your products in style

Showcase product catalogue on whatsapp

A product catalogue is a digital storefront within the WhatsApp Business app, allowing customers to browse your products easily.

Here’s how to create a visually appealing and informative catalogue:

  • High-quality images: Use clear and professional-looking product photos. Highlight different features and functionalities from multiple angles.
  • Compelling descriptions: Write concise yet informative descriptions for each product. Include must-have features, benefits, and how it solves customer problems.
  • Transparent pricing: Display product prices clearly within the descriptions. Consider including any special offers or discounts.

Here’s an example.

Product: Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Image: High-resolution photo showcasing the headphones from different angles (front, sides, being worn).

Description: “Experience pure sound with our Noise-Cancelling Headphones. Block out distractions and immerse yourself in rich audio. Comfortable design for extended wear. Price: $129.99 (Limited-time offer: Free carrying case included.)”

example of product catalogue on Whatsapp

A well-organised and visually appealing catalogue helps customers browse your products independently. It maintains their interest for further conversation.

2. Quick replies: save time with pre-written responses

Quick replies are pre-written message templates you can easily insert into conversations. This saves you time and ensures consistent responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Here’s how to create and use them.

  • Identify common FAQs: Pay attention to questions that come up frequently in your chats.
  • Craft clear and concise responses: Write short and informative answers to these FAQs.
  • Save time and maintain consistency: Easily insert these pre-written responses into your chats with a simple tap.

Here are some common quick reply examples.

Question: “What are your business hours?”

Quick reply: “Our WhatsApp support is available Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM.”

Question: “Do you offer free shipping?”

Quick reply: “Yes, we offer free shipping on all orders over $50.”

Question: “How can I return a product?”

Quick reply: “For information on our return policy, please visit our website: [link].”

By leveraging quick replies, you can streamline your communication, answer FAQs efficiently, and provide a more professional customer service experience.

In the next section, we’ll explore additional strategies to leverage WhatsApp for sales success.

Communication strategies for sales success on WhatsApp

We’ve learned how to build rapport, craft messages that grab attention, and close deals on WhatsApp.

Now, let’s get down to some easy-to-use tricks to boost your sales using the built-in features of the WhatsApp Business App.

1. Quick replies: save time, say it right

Stop wasting time typing out the same answers over and over.

Quick replies are pre-written message templates you can pop into chats with a tap.

Here are some examples.

Customer: Hi. I’m interested in the [Product Name] you mentioned earlier. Can you tell me more about it?

Perfect Quick Reply: Hey there!  Awesome choice 🎉 The [Product Name] is our best seller for a reason. It [highlight a key benefit]. Would you like me to send you a quick brochure with more details?

Why is this perfect?

  • Engaged response: Acknowledges the customer’s interest and uses an enthusiastic tone.
  • Highlights benefits: Briefly mentions a key benefit to pique further interest.
  • Offers additional info: Presents a brochure as a valuable resource without being pushy.
  • Good Call to Action: Encourages further engagement with a clear question.

Another example.

Customer: Is there a discount available for the [Product Name]?

Perfect Quick Reply: Hi [Customer Name],  We currently have a [discount offer] on the [Product Name]🎁 Would you like to know more about it?  We can also offer free shipping for orders above [amount].

Here’s why it’s perfect.

  • Personalised greeting: Uses the customer’s name for a more personal touch.
  • Directly addresses inquiry: Mentions the discount immediately, satisfying the customer’s primary interest.
  • Additional offer:  Highlights another benefit (free shipping) to incentivise purchase.
  • Open-ended question:  Encourages further conversation and exploration of the offer.

Here are key tips from me.

✅ Adapt these examples to your specific products and promotions.

✅ Pay attention to what customers ask a lot.

✅ Write short, to-the-point replies that answer their questions.

✅ Keep the message concise and mobile-friendly.

✅ Use emojis to add personality without being overwhelming.

✅ Maintain a positive and helpful tone throughout the interaction.

2. Automated messages: set expectations, stay friendly

Create a friendly Welcome Message that introduces your business. It should also tell customers how long it typically takes to hear back from you.

This will give you a great first impression.

Away messages as well.

Clear Away Messages let customers know when you’re off the clock. Tell them when you’ll be back and how they can reach you if it’s very urgent.

Here’s an example of a perfect Away Message on WhatsApp for better sales.

“Hey there 🌞 We’re currently taking a break, but we’ll be back to chat in [timeframe] ([day/time] if specific).

“In the meantime, you can browse our frequently asked questions [link to FAQ] or check out our website [link to website] for more information.

“Need something urgent? You can reach our sales team directly at [phone number/email address]. Looking forward to connecting soon.”

Why is this perfect?

  • It’s friendly and informative. It acknowledges the customer’s message and sets expectations for a response.
  • It highlights resources. Provides links to FAQs and the website to keep the customer engaged during your absence.
  • It offers alternative contact. Includes an option for urgent inquiries by providing a phone number or email address.
  • It has an enthusiastic closing. Ends on a positive note, expressing eagerness to connect again.

Key tips: Personalise the message further. You can mention a specific promotion or new product launch that they can explore on your website. And use emojis sparingly for a professional appearance.

3. Upselling and cross-selling: help more, sell more

Upselling and cross-selling can be useful on WhatsApp. But here’s my advice: focus on being helpful, not pushy.

Help customers win.

Instead of just trying to sell more, suggest other products or upgrades that could genuinely help them based on your past conversations.

Here’s an example.

Cross-selling example to send on WhatsApp

Scenario: A customer just purchased a phone case.

Cross-selling example:

“Hey [Customer Name], thanks for grabbing your awesome new phone case 🥂 To keep your phone extra protected, we also offer tempered glass screen protectors that are a perfect fit for your [Phone model]. Would you like to see some options?”

This is perfect because it has the following:

  • Personalised greeting. Uses the customer’s name for a personal touch.
  • Acknowledges purchase. Thanks the customer for their previous purchase.
  • Offers a relevant product. Suggests a complementary product (screen protector) related to their initial purchase.
  • Highlights benefits. Briefly mentions keeping the phone “extra protected” to address a potential need.
  • Clear call to action. Asks if they’d like to see options, keeping the interaction open-ended.

Now, here’s an upselling example using the same scenario.

upselling example to send on WhatsApp

Hey [Customer Name], congrats on your new phone case 🥂 Did you know we also offer a wireless charging stand that goes perfectly with it? No more fumbling with cables! Interested in checking it out?”

Why it’s perfect:

  • Personalised greeting: Similar to the cross-selling example.
  • Acknowledges purchase: Thanks them for their previous purchase.
  • Offers a premium product: Suggests a higher-end product (wireless charging stand) that adds convenience.
  • Highlights benefits: Emphasises the convenience of wireless charging.
  • Intriguing Call to Action: Uses the question format to pique their curiosity.

Quick tips from me:

✅ Tailor your message based on the customer’s purchase history or browsing behaviour.

✅ Offer a discount or bundle deal to incentivise the cross-sell or upsell.

✅ Include a high-quality image of the suggested product to visually entice the customer.

4. Broadcasts and groups: talk in big groups, build a fan club

TelebuSocial enables you to send broadcasts to thousands of contacts at once. Check it out.

Broadcast lists let you send messages to more people at once. Of course, after they’ve consented.

This is a smart way to announce new products, special deals, or exciting news.

And WhatsApp groups? They’re simply chat communities.

They can create a fun space for your customers to chat, ask questions, and share experiences with one another.

Imagine a scenario where you run a clothing store. Here’s a suitable example on WhatsApp for better sales.

Headline: Summer Sale Alert: Up to 50% Off!  ☀️


“Hey there fashionistas 🕺🏿💃🏿

Get ready to heat up your summer wardrobe with our massive sale! 🛍️🎁 Enjoy up to 50% off on your favourite styles, from breezy dresses to comfy shorts.

Don’t miss out! This offer is valid for a limited time only. Shop now 🛒 and save big! [link to your online store]”

Tips and best practices for you.

Emojis: Use a few relevant emojis to grab attention and add personality.

Urgency: Indicate a limited-time offer to encourage immediate action.

Strong Call to Action: Tell them what to do next (visit your online store).

Visually appealing: Include only high-quality images showcasing some sale items. However, be mindful of data usage for some users.

Segment your audience: If possible. Segment your broadcast list to target specific customer preferences (e.g., women’s vs. men’s clothing).

And here are some additional variations you can test:

Offer a discount code, instead of a percentage discount. Use a unique code for a surprise discount or free shipping.

Highlight specific items. Showcase a few particularly popular sale items to pique interest.

Run a contest. Encourage engagement by offering a prize for the first few customers who respond or make a purchase.

Remember: don’t spam people with broadcasts. And, ensure that your groups are a valuable place for your customers to hang out.

5. Track and analyse: see what’s working

The WhatsApp Business App lets you measure the effect of your chats.

Like how many messages people get and how long it takes them to reply.

Use this info to see what you can do better.

For example, try writing more interesting greetings if people aren’t opening your messages.

Then, track your sales.

See how your WhatsApp efforts translate into sales. This info can help you figure out what’s working and what’s not so you can improve.

Using the built-in analytics tools, you can learn from your conversations and make data-driven decisions to be even more successful on WhatsApp.

Worried about how to begin? Or do you want extra help getting better at WhatsApp for sales? Contact our support team ASAP.


Can I use my personal WhatsApp number for business?

While technically possible, it’s not recommended for long-term business use. It reduces professionalism, causes privacy concerns, and limits the scalability of your business.

How do I create a product catalogue?

The WhatsApp Business App has a user-friendly built-in product catalogue feature. Here’s a basic guide:

  • Open the WhatsApp Business App and go to Settings > Business Settings.
  • Tap on “Catalogue” and select “Add Product or Service.”
  • Enter your product details, including product name, description, price, and high-quality image. You can also add a product code for easy reference.
  • Save your product and repeat the process to add more items to your catalogue.

Can I track customer purchase history on WhatsApp?

Unfortunately, WhatsApp Business App doesn’t offer built-in purchase tracking functionality. However, you can integrate your WhatsApp API account with a separate Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This lets you track customer interactions across different channels, including WhatsApp chats, and gain valuable insights into purchasing behaviour.

Is there a limit to how many people I can broadcast to?

For regular and WhatsApp business, Yes. But for WhatsApp Business API, the limit increases as you use it.

Here are two key legal considerations to keep in mind:

  • Anti-spam laws: Always comply with anti-spam regulations in your region. This means obtaining explicit user consent before adding them to your broadcast lists and providing a clear opt-out option in every message.
  • Data privacy: Respect user privacy by following data protection regulations. For example, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act). This may involve obtaining user consent for data collection and storage and ensuring secure data handling practices.
In this article