whatsapp for healthcare

How to Use WhatsApp For Your Healthcare Businesses: A Complete Guide

val valentine

Val Valentine |

48 Min. To Read

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to use WhatsApp for your healthcare services.

The goal is to help you improve your patients’ satisfaction, deliver excellent healthcare services, and increase your business profitability.

What you learn in this guide is based on extensive research and collation of how healthcare experts use WhatsApp to deliver satisfying healthcare services.

Let’s dive in.

Create satisfying healthcare experiences that make your patients happy with TelebuSocial’s WhatsApp API, chatbot and live chat. It’s secure and easy to use. Learn more or book a demo.

Why do you need WhatsApp for your healthcare business?

Here are five reasons why you need WhatsApp for your healthcare business:

  • Instant communication: Since WhatsApp is an instant communication tool, you can communicate with your patients in real time.
  • A familiar tool: Most of your patients already use WhatsApp, which makes interaction easier.
  • Patient connection: Communications on WhatsApp are personal. This means that if you interact with your patients on WhatsApp, you can build stronger connections with them.
  • Secure communication: WhatsApp is already end-to-end encrypted. So you don’t need to worry about the privacy of your interactions with your patients.
  • Document sharing: Sharing documents of different file types on WhatsApp is simple. This means you can easily share reports with your patients.

Before we proceed further, here’s a little note about TelebuSocial.

TelebuSocial is a WhatsApp messaging software and API that provides all you need for a satisfying patient experience on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and other social channels.

More on TelebuSocial as we go on.

How to use WhatsApp for your healthcare business

If you want to streamline your healthcare services and make your communication as healthy as your patients, you have come to the right place.

How to Use WhatsApp For Your Healthcare Business || What are the key benefits of WhatsApp for healthcare?

In this section, I’ll walk you through how to use WhatsApp for 12 daily healthcare operations or use cases.

For each use case, we will go step-by-step, with screenshots and clear explanations of how to go about them.

Let’s begin with the following use cases:

  • Appointment booking
  • Appointment reminders
  • Health information updates
  • Communicating with staff
  • Prescription filling reminder
  • Answering FAQs
  • Deliver test results
  • Medicine purchases
  • Telehealth sessions
  • Post-treatment follow-ups
  • Providing secure access to data and tools via OTP
  • General announcements.
  • Mental health support
  • Coordinating home healthcare visits 
  • Patient surveys and feedback

1. Appointment booking

You can use WhatsApp to handle appointment requests from your patients directly.

This method can replace traditional phone calls and emails, providing a quicker and more efficient way to manage bookings.

Who can use WhatsApp for appointment booking?

If you are a dentist, dermatologist, physiotherapist, any kind of specialist, or even a general practitioner, you can use WhatsApp to help your patients book appointments.

An appointment booking message on WhatsApp from a healthcare institution

Let me walk you through a step-by-step guide to using WhatsApp for appointment bookings:

  • Choose the right WhatsApp service: I don’t recommend the standard/everyday WhatsApp. You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Set up your profile: Ensure your WhatsApp business profile is complete with your practice’s name, address, contact details, and a brief description. This builds trust and provides essential information to your patients.
  • Create a booking flow: Use quick replies to answer common FAQs and set up an automated greeting message that patients receive when they message you. Include instructions on how to book an appointment, for example, “Hello! To book an appointment, please send your preferred date and time.”
  • Confirm appointments: Once a date and time are agreed upon, send a confirmation message. You can also set up reminders that are automatically sent a few hours or a day before the appointment.
  • Feedback: After the appointment, use WhatsApp to follow up with patients for feedback or to provide aftercare instructions.

Can you use a chatbot or live chat for this?

You can use either a chatbot or have live agents accept appointment bookings. 

It depends on the volume of bookings you receive. For a large healthcare practice, I’d advise you to set up a chatbot flow to automate accepting and confirming appointments. You can use the TelebuSocial bot builder for this.

On the other hand, if you run a smaller business where a personal touch is required, you can hire support agents to handle appointment booking via live chats. You can also use TelebuSocial live chat for this.

We’ve discussed managing appointment booking on WhatsApp and how to set it up. Now, why should you use it?

Here are four reasons:

  • Convenience: Your patients appreciate the ease of booking appointments through a platform they use daily.
  • Efficiency: WhatsApp reduces the time staff spend on the phone and helps manage appointments more effectively.
  • Engagement: Using WhatsApp builds stronger patient relationships through regular and personalised communication.
  • Accessibility: WhatsApp makes your healthcare services more accessible, especially for younger demographics who prefer texting over calling.

2. Appointment reminders

You can use WhatsApp to send patients messages to remind them of their upcoming appointments.

This helps your business to reduce no-show rates and ensure patients keep to their scheduled visits.

Who can use appointment reminders?

Whether you are a dentist, dermatologist, physiotherapist, any kind of specialist, or even a general practitioner, you can use WhatsApp for appointment reminders.

A Dentist appointment reminder message on WhatsApp to a patient.

Let me walk you through a step-by-step guide to using WhatsApp for appointment reminders:

  • Choosing the right platform: You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up the reminder system: Once your patients book an appointment, log the appointment date and time in your WhatsApp Business calendar or your patient management system linked with WhatsApp API.
  • You have to set up a reminder schedule. This typically will send a reminder 24 hours before the appointment and another one or a few hours prior.
  • You then draft a reminder message that includes the appointment date, time, and special instructions (e.g., fasting requirements for blood tests).
  • Automation and personalisation:
  • You can use either a chatbot or have live agents send appointment reminders. It depends on the volume of bookings you receive.
  • For a large healthcare practice, setting up a chatbot flow to automate accepting and confirming appointments is advisable.
  • On the other hand, if you run a smaller business where a personal touch is required, you can hire support agents to handle appointment reminders via live chats. 
  • Enhancing patient experience:
  • You should personalise your messages with the patient’s name and specific appointment details.
  • You should also offer a quick reply option for appointment confirmation or rescheduling.

Here are four reasons you should opt for WhatsApp for appointment reminders:

  • Efficiency and engagement: Your patient can enjoy an efficient and direct line of communication from your healthcare service. 
  • Cost-effective: WhatsApp messages are cheaper than traditional phone calls and postal reminders.
  • Increased engagement: Your patient’s familiarity with WhatsApp encourages them to manage their appointments actively, enhancing their overall engagement and satisfaction.
  • Reduced no-shows: Your patients keep to their appointments or reschedule in advance with WhatsApp.

3. Health information updates

You can send timely and relevant health-related content or announcements directly to your patients using WhatsApp.

Who uses health information updates?

From public health organisations to individual practitioners like paediatricians, general practitioners, or specialists who want to keep their patients informed.

In this case, the message is usually in the form of a broadcast.

A general health information update message on WhatsApp to patients.

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp for health information updates:

  • Choose the right WhatsApp solution:
  • You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up your messaging service:
  • Organise your patient contacts into segments (e.g., patients with diabetes, elderly patients, etc.) to tailor the health information to specific needs.
  • Create informative and engaging content that is relevant to each segment.
  • Make sure you schedule regular updates on public health news or seasonal health changes.
  • Implementing automation and interaction:
  • I recommend utilising a healthcare chatbot to automate the distribution of generic health updates and respond to common queries about the information sent.
  • Although live chats can be invaluable for answering specific patient questions, they are not necessary for sending health information updates.

Here are five reasons you should use WhatsApp for health information updates:

  • Direct and personal communication: You can communicate directly with your patients, making it easy for them to acknowledge health updates and ask questions.
  • Timeliness: With WhatsApp, you can quickly distribute urgent health updates, ensuring your patients receive this critical information promptly.
  • Engagement and trust: You can keep your patients engaged with regular updates on your healthcare services and help build trust with your commitment to their well-being.
  • Cost-effective and efficient: WhatsApp remains a more efficient way to reach your patients, saving you service time and resources.
  • Customisation and privacy: WhatsApp’s features support the customisation of messages while respecting the patient’s privacy with end-to-end encryption.

4. Communicating with staff

Communication with staff involves using WhatsApp to facilitate internal communications within your team.

This can range from sharing important announcements and coordinating patient care to scheduling meetings and managing day-to-day operations.

Who uses WhatsApp to communicate with their staff?

From small clinics and private practitioners to large hospitals and multi-speciality health facilities, they can use WhatsApp for staff communication.

This can be in the form of a scheduled broadcast or 1-on-1 conversations with your team.

A Communication with Staff message on WhatsApp from a healthcare institution

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp for communication with staff:

  • Choosing the right WhatsApp service:
  • You can use the standard WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up your communication channels:
  • Create different employee contact segments or group chats for various departments (e.g., nursing, administrative, emergency response) to streamline specific communications.
  • Establish clear guidelines on how your staff should use WhatsApp professionally for work-related communications while maintaining confidentiality.
  • Train your staff on using WhatsApp features effectively, such as sharing files, using voice messages, and making video calls.
  • Integrating automation:
  • I will recommend a chatbot in your healthcare services for routine inquiries such as checking shift schedules or policy updates, reducing the workload on administrative staff.
  • While chatbots handle the routine, live chats can be reserved for more complex or sensitive discussions that require human intervention.

If you’re wondering why use WhatsApp for communication with staff, here are five reasons:

  • Immediate and accessible: Your WhatsApp messages can be sent and received immediately, ensuring your team members can access them urgently.
  • Enhances coordination: Through WhatsApp groups, you can enable the quick sharing of information across different departments, enhancing the coordination of your services.
  • Reduces email clutter: With WhatsApp, you can reduce email overload and ensure important messages don’t get buried in an inbox.
  • Cost-effective: WhatsApp remains a cost-effective alternative to traditional communication tools like phones for healthcare services.
  • Builds team morale: A more connected team often has higher job satisfaction and morale. WhatsApp connects your staff and helps build a positive work environment.

5. Prescription filling reminder

Prescription filling reminders are notifications sent to patients to remind them to refill their prescriptions before they run out.

These reminders help maintain treatment effectiveness and ensure continuous care, especially for managing chronic conditions and ensuring patients’ overall health and well-being.

Who uses prescription filling reminders?

Prescription filling reminders are commonly employed if you run services like pharmacies, doctors’ offices, and healthcare services that manage ongoing treatments for patients.

A prescription filling reminder message on WhatsApp to a patient from a healthcare institution

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp for prescription filling reminders:

  • Choosing the right WhatsApp platform:
  • You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up the reminder system:
  • You collate consent from your patients to send them WhatsApp messages. This is so you’re compliant with privacy regulations.
  • Set up your patients’ database with details about their prescriptions, including refill dates.
  • Schedule automated reminder messages a few days before the refill date, ensuring your patients have ample time to act.
  • Implementing automation and interaction:
  • Chatbots can also handle responses from your patients, such as confirming a refill or asking for more information.
  • Have your staff available for live chat to answer any specific questions or concerns arising from the reminder.

Why use WhatsApp for prescription filling reminders?

  • Direct communication: WhatsApp enables direct communication with your patients, making them more likely to see and respond to your reminders.
  • Improved patient health: Regular reminders can significantly improve your patient’s medication adherence, reducing the risk of treatment gaps and improving health outcomes.
  • Enhanced convenience: Your patients can appreciate the convenience of receiving reminders directly on their phones, where they can take immediate action if necessary.
  • Efficiency and cost-effectiveness: Automating your reminders through WhatsApp can save time and resources compared to traditional methods like phone calls or emails.
  • Personalisation and privacy: Since WhatsApp is already end-to-end encrypted, your patients’ prescription information is safe and private.

6. Answering FAQs

Answering FAQs involves using WhatsApp to answer common questions that patients frequently ask about your healthcare services, treatments, policies, or any other relevant topic

This proactive approach can save your staff and patients time, improving overall efficiency and satisfaction.

Who uses WhatsApp for answering FAQs?

From dental offices and general practitioners to specialised clinics and large hospitals, your patients can benefit enormously from the implementation of an FAQ solution on WhatsApp.

Healthcare Answering FAQs template on WhatsApp for patients.

Step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp for Answering FAQs:

  • Choosing the right WhatsApp platform:
  • You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up your FAQ system:
  • Compile a list of FAQs that your services commonly receive. This might include queries about office hours, services offered, or pre-appointment preparations.
  • Craft clear, concise answers to these questions. Ensure that your responses comply with privacy regulations and are informative.
  • Set up automated responses in your WhatsApp Business or integrate your WhatsApp API with a chatbot to respond to these common inquiries.
  • Implementing automation and interaction:
  • Programme your chatbots to understand and react to various common questions already compiled and provide instant replies.
  • While a chatbot can handle most of your standard questions, having a live chat is crucial for addressing complex questions requiring human or personalised responses.

Here are five reasons why you should use WhatsApp for Answering FAQs:

  • Accessibility and convenience: Most of your patients are familiar with WhatsApp, making it a highly accessible platform for communicating important information.
  • Efficiency: Automating your FAQ responses saves significant time for your staff, allowing them to focus on more complex patient care.
  • Immediate support: Your patients receive instant answers, which enhances their experience and satisfaction with your service.
  • Reduced workload: By answering common questions through WhatsApp, you can significantly reduce your call volumes and the need for in-person inquiries.
  • 24/7 availability: With automated tools like your healthcare chatbots, your services can provide answers around the clock, even outside regular business hours.

7. Deliver test results

Delivering test results involves using WhatsApp to send medical test results directly to patients.

This method can significantly speed up the communication process, ensuring patients receive their results quickly, which is crucial for timely treatment and peace of mind.

Who uses WhatsApp to deliver test results?

You benefit from delivering test results via WhatsApp if you run medical laboratories, hospitals, and clinics conducting regular diagnostic tests.

A Medical Test Results delivery via WhatsApp from a healthcare institution

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp to deliver test results:

  • Choosing the right WhatsApp platform:
  • You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up the process:
  • Obtain explicit consent from your patients to send their medical information via WhatsApp, ensuring compliance with privacy laws and regulations.
  • Securely integrate your test results management system with WhatsApp API to automate result delivery. Adhere to standards of data protection and patient confidentiality.
  • Prepare templates for result messages for your patients that include a brief explanation of the results, next steps, and whom to contact for further consultation.
  • Implementing automation and interaction:
  • Your integrated chatbots can deliver test results automatically. Chatbots can also answer follow-up questions about the test results based on your predefined information.
  • Also, you can enable live chat for more complex discussions or sensitive matters requiring healthcare professionals’ personal attention.

Here are six reasons you should use WhatsApp to deliver test results:

  • Speed and convenience: WhatsApp allows for the rapid delivery of test results, reducing your patient’s wait times and anxiety.
  • Privacy and security: With end-to-end encryption, WhatsApp ensures that all your patient’s sensitive information remains confidential and secure.
  • Improved patient experience: Receiving results quickly and being able to ask follow-up questions easily enhances your patients’ overall experience.
  • Accessibility: Many of your patients are already familiar with WhatsApp, which reduces barriers to communication and makes it easier for them to receive and view their results.
  • Cost-effective: Reduces the need for your patients to physically visit your clinic for results, saving both time and transportation costs for your healthcare services and your patient.
  • Tracking and documentation: WhatsApp can help you keep a record of communications, providing a clear trail of information exchange for legal compliance and service quality.

8. Medicine purchases

Medicine purchase involves using WhatsApp to facilitate the ordering and buying of medications.

This service can be particularly useful for repeat prescriptions or patients who need to discuss their medication needs before purchasing.

Who uses WhatsApp for medical purchases?

If your healthcare services involve pharmacies attached to clinics and hospitals, standalone pharmacies, and healthcare providers.

Medicine purchases template on WhatsApp for patients from a healthcare institution.

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp for medicine purchases:

  • Choosing the right platform:
  • You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up the service:
  • Ensure you have all necessary permissions and that your service complies with local regulations concerning the sale of medicines online.
  • Set up your product catalogue within WhatsApp, listing available medications and details such as price and usage instructions.
  • Publicise your services to your patients, informing them they can order their medications directly through WhatsApp.
  • Implementing automation and interaction:
  • Integrate a healthcare chatbot to handle routine orders and inquiries, which can guide your patients through the ordering process and answer common questions.
  • Maintain the option for live chat, especially when personal interaction is required, such as when discussing medication side effects or substitutes.

Here are six reasons you should use WhatsApp for medicine purchases:

  • Convenience and accessibility: Your patients can order their medications anytime and anywhere, from WhatsApp, especially for those with limited access to physical pharmacies.
  • Speed and efficiency: WhatsApp facilitates quick communication with your patients, allowing for faster confirmation of orders, which leads to faster delivery times.
  • Enhanced patient care: By offering medicine purchases through WhatsApp, you provide patients with a seamless and healthy experience.
  • Reduced workload: Automating your patient’s order through WhatsApp can significantly reduce the workload on your staff, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks.
  • Secure and private: WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption ensures that your conversations with your patients remain confidential, maintaining patient privacy and security.
  • Record keeping: WhatsApp can help you log all communications and transactions with your patients, providing a valuable record for billing and compliance.

9. Telehealth sessions

Telehealth sessions involve using WhatsApp to conduct virtual medical consultations between healthcare providers and patients.

This method can include video or voice calls and text messaging to discuss symptoms, manage ongoing treatments, or provide follow-up care.

Who uses WhatsApp for conducting telehealth sessions?

Primary care physicians, specialists, mental health professionals and physical therapists can use WhatsApp for Telehealth sessions.

Telehealth Sessions on WhatsApp for patients from a healthcare institution

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp for telehealth sessions:

  • Choosing the right WhatsApp platform:
  • You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up telehealth services:
  • Ensure your compliance standards with healthcare privacy and data protection regulations are up to date when obtaining necessary consent from your patients.
  • Schedule sessions by allowing your patients to book appointments directly through WhatsApp messages. 
  • Conduct your telehealth session using WhatsApp’s video call feature. Ensure a stable and secure internet connection for a smooth patient consultation experience.
  • Implementing automation and interaction:
  • While using chatbots in healthcare can foster scheduling and reminders, healthcare professionals should conduct telehealth consultations in person.
  • Use live chat for pre-consultation communication and post-consultation follow-ups. This can help clarify patient questions before and after the video call.

Here are five reasons you should use WhatsApp for Telehealth.

  • Ease of use: Most of your patients are familiar with WhatsApp, which lowers the barrier to adopting telehealth services.
  • Cost-effective: Your WhatsApp calls, whether video or voice, are cost-effective, making them accessible for your healthcare services and patients.
  • Personal connection: WhatsApp allows for a personal and direct communication line with your patients, fostering better relationships with your patients.
  • Flexibility: You can easily manage your patient’s schedules and conduct consultations from anywhere, enhancing the flexibility and reach of their practice.
  • Security: With end-to-end encryption, all your communications with your patients are secure and private to maintain patient confidentiality.

10. Post-treatment follow-ups

Post-treatment follow-ups involve communicating with patients after they have received treatment or undergone surgery.

These follow-ups can include checking on your patients’ recovery progress, managing any complications, and ensuring that patients are following through with their prescribed care plans.

Who uses WhatsApp for post-treatment follow-ups?

If your healthcare services include hospitals, speciality clinics (such as orthopaedics, surgery, and physical therapy), and general practices. Regular follow-up is critical for patients here.

Post-treatment follow-up message on WhatsApp for a patient from a healthcare institution

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp for Post-treatment follow-ups:

  • Choosing the right WhatsApp platform:
  • You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up the follow-up process:
  • Secure consent from your patients to use WhatsApp for medical communication, ensuring compliance with healthcare privacy regulations.
  • Schedule follow-up messages based on the treatment or surgery date. Use automated messages to remind your patients of upcoming follow-up appointments.
  • Send personalised messages asking specific questions about the patient’s recovery, such as pain levels, medication effects, or general well-being.
  • Implementing Automation and Interaction:
  • One of the benefits of chatbots in healthcare is that they can help you handle your routine follow-up inquiries and gather information about recovery progress.
  • Ensure that a healthcare professional is available for your live chat set-up to address complex issues or concerns the chatbot cannot handle.

Here are six reasons WhatsApp is used for post-treatment follow-ups:

  • Immediate communication: WhatsApp facilitates real-time communication, allowing your patients to report issues or ask questions as they arise during recovery.
  • Convenience for patients: Your Patients can send messages in the comfort of their homes without needing to travel, making it easier to stay in touch with you and your services.
  • Enhanced patient engagement: Regularly contacting your patients via WhatsApp can increase their engagement during treatment leading to better health outcomes.
  • Efficient monitoring: Monitoring your patient’s recovery through WhatsApp can streamline your workflows and reduce the need for regular in-person visits.
  • Personal touch: Your WhatsApp messages can be personalised, fostering a stronger patient relationship with your services, which is key for patient satisfaction and trust.
  • Documentation: Keeping a record of all your patient’s communications on WhatsApp can help in maintaining comprehensive patient files and improving the quality of care.

11. Providing secure access to data and tools via OTP

Providing secure access to data and tools via OTP involves sending a one-time password to a user’s mobile device to verify their identity before granting access to sensitive information.

This method adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that only authorised users can access critical data.

Who uses WhatsApp to provide secure access to data and tools via OTP?

If your healthcare business includes hospitals, speciality clinics, laboratories, and any healthcare provider who offers online access to patient records or telehealth services.

An OTP Message on WhatsApp for patients from a healthcare institution for secure login

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp to provide secure access to data and tools via OTPs:

  • Choosing the right WhatsApp platform:
  • To automate this process, you need a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial.
  • Setting up OTP authentication:
  • Integrate your patient management system or telehealth platform with WhatsApp API to automate the OTP generation and delivery process.
  • When your patient attempts to access their records or log into your telehealth session, trigger the system to send an OTP to their registered mobile number via WhatsApp.
  • Your patient receives the OTP on WhatsApp and enters it into the login interface to complete the verification process.

Here are six reasons you should use WhatsApp to send OTP to your customers:

  • Timeliness: WhatsApp delivers messages almost instantaneously, which is crucial for the time-sensitive nature of OTPs for your patients.
  • High reachability: Since WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging platforms globally, your patients are likely to have it installed, reducing entry barriers.
  • User-friendly: Sending OTPs via WhatsApp is straightforward for your patients, who are already familiar with receiving and using OTPs for other services.
  • Security: WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption, ensuring OTPs remain secure during transit.
  • Convenient for your business: Unlike SMS, you don’t need to comply with “a million” regulations to message via WhatsApp. Also, there are no routing issues. This is handy, especially when messaging international customers.
  • Improved patient experience: Providing a quick and secure method for patients to access their data or telehealth services enhances their overall experience.

12. General announcements

General announcements via WhatsApp involve sending out informational messages to a broad audience of patients or staff.

This can include updates about clinic operations, public health notifications, new services or personnel changes, or reminders about seasonal health issues like flu vaccinations.

Who used WhatsApp to send general announcements?

Government healthcare agencies. And if your healthcare services involve communicating timely information to a large group of people.

A General healthcare announcement message on WhatsApp for patients

Here is a step-by-step guide on using WhatsApp for general announcements

  • Choosing the right WhatsApp platform:
  • You can use the WhatsApp Business app (as a private practitioner) or a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial to send thousands of broadcasts (as an SME or a larger facility).
  • Setting up the announcement system:
  • Create a contact list of all your constituents, citizens, patients and/or staff who have opted to receive communications via WhatsApp. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Craft your announcement messages clearly and concisely. If the message requires action, such as booking appointments, include easy-to-follow instructions or links.
  • Create a broadcast list and send out your announcement. Use WhatsApp API to automate and schedule announcements as needed for larger operations. 
  • Implementing automation and interaction:
  • While healthcare chatbots can be set up to answer follow-up questions about the announcements, they are typically not used to sending them themselves.
  • Ensure that staff are available to handle any responses or inquiries that might come in after the announcement is sent, providing a personalised interaction when necessary.

Here are five reasons you should use WhatsApp for general announcements.

  • Efficiency: With WhatsApp API, you can message thousands of people. 
  • High engagement: Given the high usage of WhatsApp, your announcements are more likely to be seen and read quickly compared to emails which can often go unchecked.
  • Cost-effective: WhatsApp is more economical than traditional mail or phone calls and less intrusive than calling each individual.
  • Interactive communication: Unlike emails or flyers, WhatsApp can facilitate two-way communication between you and your patients, or staff can ask follow-up questions directly.
  • Convenience: Most people check WhatsApp multiple times daily, making it a convenient tool for receiving updates.

13. Mental health support

You can use WhatsApp to provide mental health support for those who need help.

Someone might feel anxious or stressed and don’t know where to turn. Instead of struggling alone, they can reach out via WhatsApp and get the support they need right when they need it.

Mental health support

Who can use WhatsApp for mental health support?

Whether you’re a psychologist, therapist, counsellor, or part of a mental health clinic, WhatsApp can be a game-changer for offering support.

It’s accessible, familiar, and easy to use. Perfect for connecting with clients who might be hesitant to seek help otherwise.

How can you use WhatsApp to support mental health?

Here’s a simple guide:

  • Selecting your WhatsApp provider: If you’re part of a large clinic or service, go with a WhatsApp API like TelebuSocial. It offers more options for managing multiple clients and keeping things organised.
  • Set up your profile: Make sure your profile is complete with all the important details—like your services, hours, and any disclaimers (like what to do in an emergency). This helps clients know what to expect right from the start.
  • Create a welcoming flow: When someone messages you, they should get an automatic greeting, something like, “Hi! Thanks for reaching out. How can we help you today?” You can also set up a chatbot for quick replies to common questions about your services or scheduling.
  • Keep it confidential: Offer chat-based sessions for those who might find it easier to text rather than talk. Always ensure that these conversations are private and secure.
  • Check-in regularly: After a session, follow up with a message to see how they’re doing. This shows that you care and helps keep their progress on track.

Can you use a chatbot or live chat for this?

If you’re dealing with a lot of inquiries, a chatbot can handle the first contact and direct clients to the right support.

But for more personalised care, live chat with a trained mental health professional is best. TelebuSocial can help you set up either option, depending on what works best for your practice.

Why use WhatsApp for mental health support?

Here are four good reasons:

  • It’s private: Clients can reach out without the pressure of face-to-face conversations, which can sometimes be intimidating.
  • It’s easy: WhatsApp is something people use every day, so there’s no learning curve. Plus, it’s available anytime, anywhere.
  • It’s fast: In moments of need, a quick message can make all the difference.
  • It’s ongoing: Regular check-ins keep the support going, helping clients stay on track with their mental health goals.

14. Coordinating home healthcare visits

Did you know that WhatsApp can make coordinating home healthcare visits more accessible and efficient? 

It’s true. 

With just a few taps, healthcare providers can manage visits, keep in touch with patients, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Who can use WhatsApp for coordinating home healthcare visits?

If you’re a nurse, caregiver, doctor, or part of a home healthcare service, you can use WhatsApp to coordinate your visits. Whether you’re arranging routine check-ups, post-surgery care, or any other home-based service.

Coordinating home healthcare visits on WhatsApp.

How can you use WhatsApp to coordinate home healthcare visits?

Let’s walk through it:

  • Choose the right WhatsApp service: If you’re an individual practitioner, the WhatsApp Business app is probably all you need. For larger home healthcare agencies, consider a WhatsApp messaging service like TelebuSocial to handle multiple visits and coordinate care more effectively.
  • Set up your profile: Make sure your WhatsApp profile includes all necessary details—your name, the type of services you offer, your availability, and contact information. This helps patients feel confident and informed when they reach out to schedule a visit.
  • Create a simple scheduling flow: When a patient or their family messages you, have an automated response ready that says something like, “Hi! How can we assist you with your home healthcare needs today?” You can also use a chatbot for common questions about scheduling, services, or what to expect during a visit.
  • Confirm and remind: Once a visit is scheduled, send a confirmation message with the date and time. As the visit approaches, follow up with a reminder so the patient knows exactly when to expect you.
  • Stay in touch: After the visit, use WhatsApp to check in with your patients. Ask them how they’re feeling, if they have any concerns, or if they need another visit. This helps build a stronger relationship and ensures ongoing care.

Can you use a chatbot or live chat for this?

For larger practices or agencies with many patients, a chatbot can help manage initial inquiries and set up appointments. For a more personal touch, live chat with a human agent might be better. TelebuSocial offers tools to help you set up either option, depending on what your practice needs.

Why use WhatsApp to coordinate home healthcare visits?

Here are four reasons:

  • It’s convenient: Patients and their families can easily arrange visits from their phones without making multiple calls.
  • It’s clear: Everyone stays informed — patients know when to expect their healthcare provider, and providers know where they need to be.
  • It’s reliable: With WhatsApp’s reminders and follow-ups, you reduce the chances of missed appointments or confusion about scheduling.
  • It’s personal: Keeping in touch via WhatsApp makes the experience more personalised, helping patients feel cared for and supported.

15. Patient surveys and feedback

With WhatsApp, you can easily send out surveys and collect feedback in a way that’s quick, simple, and effective.

Patient surveys and feedback using WhatsApp.

Who can use WhatsApp for patient surveys and feedback?

Any healthcare professional can use WhatsApp for patient surveys. Such as a doctor, dentist, therapist, or someone who’s part of a larger healthcare facility.

How can you use WhatsApp for patient surveys and feedback?

Here’s a straightforward guide:

  • Pick the right WhatsApp service: If you’re working solo, the WhatsApp Business app will do the job. Let’s assume that you’re a single-practice dentist. You can use WhatsApp Business to send surveys to your patients after their appointments. For bigger practices or hospitals, you might consider using a WhatsApp API like TelebuSocial, which can handle a higher volume of surveys and responses.
  • Set up your profile: Ensure your profile reflects who you are and what you do, including your contact details and a friendly description. For example, if you run a physical therapy clinic, your profile could say, “Helping you recover and regain strength—one step at a time!” along with your clinic’s hours and location.
  • Create an engaging survey flow: After a patient’s visit, send them a message like, “Thank you for visiting us! We’d love to hear your thoughts. Could you take a moment to answer a few quick questions?” Keep your survey short and to the point, using simple questions that patients can easily respond to. For instance, you could ask, “How would you rate your overall experience today?” with options from 1 to 5.
  • Follow up on feedback: Once you’ve collected responses, follow up with a thank-you message. Like, “We appreciate your feedback! Your input helps us improve our services.” If there are any specific concerns or suggestions, consider reaching out personally to address them. For example, if a patient mentions long wait times, you could reply, “Thank you for your feedback about the wait time. We’re working on improving this for your next visit.”
  • Use the feedback: Don’t just collect feedback — use it. Analyse the responses to see where you can make changes or improvements. For example, if multiple patients mention that your clinic could use more comfortable seating, consider making that upgrade. Then, let your patients know how their feedback is helping to shape better care by saying, “Thanks to your feedback, we’ve added more comfortable chairs in our waiting area!”

Can you use a chatbot or live chat for this?

A chatbot can automate the survey process, sending out questions and collecting responses without wasting your time.

For example, you could set up a chatbot that automatically sends a survey link after each appointment.

For a more personalised touch, you can use live chat to follow up on specific feedback. TelebuSocial can help you set up an option that suits your needs.

Why use WhatsApp for patient surveys and feedback?

  • Convenience: Patients can fill out surveys right from their phones. There’s no need for extra steps like logging in to a separate platform or dealing with lengthy forms. It’s quick and easy — perfect for busy lives.
  • Speed: You can gather feedback almost instantly after a visit. This allows you to address any issues or make improvements without delay, keeping your service responsive and timely.
  • Personalisation: When patients see that you’ve taken their feedback seriously, it makes them feel valued and heard. It’s a simple way to build stronger relationships and trust.
  • Continuous improvement: Regular feedback is a goldmine for improving your services. Over time, it helps you fine-tune every aspect of the patient experience, leading to higher satisfaction and better outcomes.

I only covered 15 use cases in this guide. You can extend this to other scenarios where you interact with your patients, such as payment processing, insurance, etc.

It’s endless.

Please visit our website and contact our team if you have any questions.

Which should you use for your healthcare business, standard, WhatsApp or WhatsApp API?

Here’s a simple table to compare WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business, and WhatsApp API:

FeatureStandard WhatsAppWhatsApp BusinessWhatsApp API
Intended UsePersonal useSmall BusinessMedium to large businesses
Main Pros–    Highly familiar interface.-    Free to use.-    End-to-end encryption.–    All standard WhatsApp features.-    Business profiles.-    Quick replies, labels and greeting messaging.-    Free to use.–    All features of WhatsApp Business.-    Advanced automation and integration capabilities.-    Can handle high volumes of messages.-    Supports multiple users.
Main Cons–    Not designed for business uses.-    Lacks advanced business features.–    Limited automation.-    Cannot handle high message volumes efficiently.–    Requires technical setup.-    May incur costs based on usage.

Detailed Breakdown

Let’s break down each of them.

Standard WhatsApp

How it works: Just like the app on your phone. It’s straightforward—download, install, set up an account, and start messaging.


  • Familiarity: Almost everyone knows how to use WhatsApp, so there’s no learning curve.
  • Security: End-to-end encryption ensures that your communications remain confidential.


  • Not business-oriented: Lacks features that could help manage patient interactions efficiently, such as automated messages or the ability to sort through chats quickly.

WhatsApp Business 

How it works: Designed for small business owners. It functions like the regular WhatsApp but has additional features tailored for business use.


  • Business profile: You can add useful information like your clinic’s address, business hours, and description.
  • Messaging tools: Automated greetings and quick replies make communication smoother and more professional.


  • Limited scale: While great for small setups, it might struggle under the weight of larger healthcare operations with thousands of patients.

WhatsApp API

How it works: Best for larger organisations that need more control and integration capabilities. It connects WhatsApp messaging to your existing healthcare systems.


  • High volume handling: You can manage large numbers of your messages without a hitch.
  • Advanced integration: Allows seamless integration with your patient management systems, enabling automated appointment reminders.


  • Requires setup: Setting up WhatsApp API is not as straightforward and often requires technical expertise.
  • Potential costs: While it offers significant advantages, it might come with costs depending on the volume of messages and specific features used.

TelebuSocial is affordable and has a support team ready to help you set up quickly.

Which should you use?

  • If you’re a small clinic: WhatsApp Business is likely sufficient. It offers enough features to enhance patient communication without overwhelming you with complexity.
  • For larger practices or hospitals: Consider the WhatsApp API. The ability to integrate with your systems and handle large volumes of interactions makes it a worthy investment.

Choosing the right WhatsApp service for your healthcare business depends largely on your size, the volume of messages you expect, and the level of integration you need with other systems.

What challenges should you expect to face with WhatsApp for your healthcare business?

While WhatsApp can significantly enhance communication and operational efficiency, like any tool, it comes with its own challenges.

But don’t worry! I’m here to highlight these hurdles and provide practical solutions to help you overcome these challenges. 

The challenge: WhatsApp, while popular and convenient, involves handling sensitive health information, which can raise concerns about patient privacy and data security.

Expert advice: Dr. Jane Smith, a digital health expert from the University of Exeter Medical School  UK, emphasises the importance of securing patient consent: “Before integrating WhatsApp into your healthcare operations, ensure you have explicit consent from your patients. It’s essential not only for compliance with healthcare regulations like HIPAA but also for maintaining patient trust.”

The solution: Always obtain clear, informed consent from your patients before communicating via WhatsApp.

Explain how their data will be used and stored. Ensure that all communication complies with local privacy laws and regulations.

Managing high message volumes

The challenge: As your healthcare practice grows, so does the volume of messages. Managing these effectively without compromising on response time or quality can become overwhelming.

Expert advice: According to Dr. Jane Smith, “Leveraging automation can significantly reduce the strain on your administrative staff and ensure that no patient query goes unanswered.”

The solution: Utilize WhatsApp Business API, which allows for greater control and automation of messages.

TelebuSocial can help set up automated responses for common inquiries and provide better message management tools.

Integrating with existing systems

The challenge: Integrating WhatsApp with your existing healthcare systems (like electronic health records or patient management systems) can be technically challenging. But you need it so that you can communicate with patients without opening too many applications. Also, your patients’ data are automatically updated across all systems, and easily accessible from your different tools.

Expert advice: Dr. Jane Smith suggests, “Choose a solution that not only allows easy integration but also offers support during the setup and maintenance phases.”

The solution: Consider using TelebuSocial, which offers WhatsApp integration services tailored for healthcare providers.

Ensuring reliability and uptime

The challenge: Depending on a single communication platform can be risky – downtime can significantly disrupt your services. 

Expert advice: Dr. Jane Smith advises, “It’s crucial to have a backup communication strategy in place to ensure that you can still reach your patients during WhatsApp downtimes.”

The solution: While using WhatsApp, alternative communication methods such as email or a secure patient portal should also be developed. 

Keeping up with compliance and updates

The challenge: WhatsApp frequently updates its features and policies, which can affect how you use the platform.

Expert advice: Dr. Jane Smith notes, “Stay informed about the latest WhatsApp updates and understand how they impact your practice. Regular training for your staff on these updates is crucial.”

The solution: Subscribe to updates from reliable sources and participate in webinars or training sessions offered by TelebuSocial.

This can help you and your team stay ahead of changes and ensure that your use of WhatsApp remains compliant and effective.

What are the best practices for using WhatsApp for your healthcare business?

If you want to use WhatsApp for your healthcare service and get the best results with peace of mind, you must operate on the right side of the law. 

Let me share some best practices that will help you achieve this.

Ensure data privacy and compliance

  • Get explicit consent: Before you start communicating with patients on WhatsApp, make sure to obtain their explicit consent to use this platform for medical communication.
  • Follow HIPAA guidelines: If you’re operating in regions where healthcare compliance such as HIPAA is mandatory, ensure all communications on WhatsApp adhere to these guidelines.
  • Use end-to-end encryption: Always ensure that the WhatsApp version you use offers end-to-end encryption to protect patient data from unauthorised access.

Manage patient expectations

  • Set communication boundaries: Communicate to your patients the hours during which they can expect responses and the types of communications appropriate for WhatsApp.
  • Provide clear instructions: Educate your patients on using WhatsApp for health-related queries, appointment bookings, and other services you offer.
  • Offer alternatives: Not all patients may be comfortable or able to use WhatsApp. Provide alternative communication options to ensure no patient is left out.

Leverage analytics for improved service delivery

  • Monitor interactions: Use WhatsApp’s built-in analytics tools to track how many messages are sent, delivered, and read. This can help you understand your patient engagement levels.
  • Gather feedback: Regularly ask for feedback through WhatsApp to learn what works and what doesn’t, and use this information to improve your services.
  • Refine communication strategies: Analyze the common queries and concerns raised by patients over WhatsApp and use this data to refine your messaging and service deliveries.

Implement structured communication protocols

  • Use automated replies: Set up automated replies for common questions or after-hours messages to maintain engagement and manage expectations.
  • Categorise messages: Organize chats with labels (e.g., urgent, follow-up, new patient) to keep track of your conversations and prioritise responses.

Secure and professional messaging

  • Maintain professionalism: Always use a professional tone. Consider having templates for common responses to maintain consistency.
  • Secure patient information: Regularly review and manage the data shared on WhatsApp to ensure it remains secure and is used only for intended purposes.

Train your staff

  • Regular training: Provide ongoing training for your staff on using WhatsApp effectively while adhering to privacy policies and operational protocols.
  • Clear role definitions: Define who is responsible for responding to different types of messages to avoid any communication lapses.

Stay updated on WhatsApp changes

  • Keep abreast of updates: WhatsApp frequently updates its features and terms of service. Stay updated on these changes and understand how they impact your communication practices.

A case study

A great example of a provider using WhatsApp in healthcare would be Apollo Hospitals in India.

Apollo Hospitals has integrated WhatsApp into its communications strategy to enhance patient care with their many branches across India.

They launched a dedicated service allowing patients to interact directly with the hospital’s systems through WhatsApp.

Patients can quickly check their health records, book appointments, and even receive their lab results via smartphones.

This service mainly came in handy during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing a contactless and efficient way for patients to manage their healthcare needs without visiting the hospital.

This WhatsApp integration keeps the communication lines open and significantly eases the administrative burden on the facility, allowing them to focus more on teaching and less on logistical issues.

A neat way to keep everyone connected and informed, no matter where they are.

Why is TelebuSocial the best WhatsApp solution for your healthcare business?

To elevate your patient communication and streamline your operations using WhatsApp, TelebuSocial is your go-to choice for integrating WhatsApp into your healthcare services.

TelebuSocial is a single-window, secure, and easy-to-use WhatsApp and health business messaging software. It offers everything you need to provide satisfactory healthcare service to your patients via WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and other social channels.

Here’s what you get when you use the TelebuSocial message platform and API:

  • All the features you need (Chatbot, broadcast, live chat, and API)
  • Customer support team that holds you by the hand
  • Complete satisfaction.

Hear what this user of TelebuSocial said.

“Sunface Medical Center struggled to nurture patient relationships beyond the clinic walls – a missed opportunity for better care and loyalty. With Telebu powering seamless WhatsApp messaging at scale, we can check in on recovery, share health tips, remind about appointments, and answer questions instantly. Patients feel more connected to our providers. WhatsApp Business API by Telebu brings healthcare into the modern age.”

-Mr. Osama, Marketing Manager, Sunface Medical Center

Want to learn more about TelebuSocial?

Visit our website or schedule a 1-on-1 demo to see how TelebuSocial can help your healthcare practice satisfy your patients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is WhatsApp secure enough for healthcare communication?

Yes! WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, meaning only you and the person you’re communicating can read what’s sent. However, following all relevant regulations like HIPAA in the U.S. will solidify your security. 

Can I use WhatsApp to send appointment reminders?

Yes, WhatsApp is great for sending appointment reminders. You can automate these reminders with WhatsApp Business app or WhatsApp API, reducing no-shows and helping patients keep up with their health schedules. We explained how to do it in this guide. Just scroll up.

What is the difference between WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business app?

WhatsApp is designed for personal use, while WhatsApp Business app is tailored for small to medium-sized businesses. WhatsApp Business has additional features like business profiles, quick replies, labels, and greeting messages that are handy for professional use.

How can I ensure patient privacy when using WhatsApp?

To ensure patient privacy, always obtain consent before sending any health information via WhatsApp. Make sure to only discuss private information with the patient directly and keep all staff trained on the latest data protection practices.

Can WhatsApp integrate with my patient management system?

With WhatsApp API, you can integrate WhatsApp messaging into your existing patient management systems and ERPs. This allows for seamless communication and ensures all patient interactions are logged and accessible for future reference.

How can I use WhatsApp to improve patient engagement?

You can enhance patient engagement by using WhatsApp for educational purposes, health tips, and wellness updates. Regular, informative communications help keep your patients informed and engaged with their health.

What should I do if a patient sends sensitive information over WhatsApp?

If a patient sends sensitive information, respond professionally, ensuring their privacy is maintained. If possible, advise them on the types of information they should avoid sending over messaging platforms and suggest more secure alternatives for sensitive communications.

Can I use WhatsApp for emergency communications?

While WhatsApp can be used for urgent updates, it should not replace traditional methods of emergency communication due to potential issues with internet connectivity or delays. Always have a backup plan for emergencies.

How can I manage a large volume of patient messages on WhatsApp?

Using WhatsApp API, you can handle large volumes of messages efficiently. Consider using chatbots for common inquiries and triaging messages to ensure urgent ones are prioritised and managed appropriately. You can also use broadcasts. Scroll up in this guide to see how to use both.

Are there any costs associated with using WhatsApp for my healthcare business?

The WhatsApp Business app is free, but if you choose to use WhatsApp API, there might be costs associated with the volume of messages sent. Consider your business needs and potential message volume when deciding which version is right for you.

Yes, there are. WhatsApp messages may contain sensitive health information. This can raise consent, data protection, and compliance issues. Follow WhatsApp marketing best practices for your healthcare marketing.

How can healthcare providers ascertain the security and privacy of patient information on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp provides end-to-end encryption for all messages. This means that only the sender and the receiver can read them. However, it doesn’t prevent unauthorised access to devices and accounts. So, use strong passwords and lock your screens. Also, log out of WhatsApp Web and delete old messages after use.

How do I accept payments on WhatsApp Business?

WhatsApp Business offers a payment feature called WhatsApp Pay. WhatsApp Pay links your bank account or debit card to your WhatsApp account. Then, you can send or receive money within the app.

How do I create a catalogue on WhatsApp Business?

A catalogue showcases your products or services on WhatsApp Business. You can create a catalogue by adding images, prices, descriptions, and links to your items. You can then share your WhatsApp Business catalogue with your customers.

How do I use labels on WhatsApp Business?

Labels segment your chats and contacts on WhatsApp Business. You can create labels for new leads, follow-ups, appointments, and payments. Use different colours and names. Filtering your chats and contacts by labels makes finding what you are looking for easy.

How do I use quick replies on WhatsApp Business?

Quick replies lets you save and reuse frequently sent messages on WhatsApp Business. You can create quick replies using keywords and shortcuts. And use them to reply to common questions or requests from your customers.

How do I use automated messages on WhatsApp Business?

You can send predefined messages to your customers at specific times or events on WhatsApp Business. You can also use automated messages to greet customers or confirm their orders. Or set appointment reminders and request feedback. To set up WhatsApp automation for your healthcare business, contact our team ASAP.

How do I use broadcast lists on WhatsApp Business?

Broadcast lists allow sending the same message to multiple contacts at once. It’s only available on WhatsApp Business. You can use broadcast lists to announce new products or services. As well as send updates, invitations or reminders. How to create a broadcast list? Choose the contacts you want to include and tap on New Broadcast.

How do I use status updates on WhatsApp Business?

You can use status updates to share photos, videos, or texts with your contacts. It’ll be live for 24 hours after posting. To create status updates, tap Status > Camera or Text.

How do I use QR codes on WhatsApp Business?

You can generate QR codes that link to your WhatsApp Business account. Use the QR codes to promote your business and attract new customers. Tap Settings > Business Tools > Short Link > View QR Code to create QR codes.

How do I verify my WhatsApp Business account?

WhatsApp Business verification gives you a green badge next to your business name. This indicates trustworthiness and credibility. To apply for verification, find a credible WhatsApp Business Solution Provider. We’ll make the process easy for you. Contact our tech team today to get started.

How do I get feedback from my customers on WhatsApp Business?

Feedback helps improve performance and customer satisfaction. Ask customers directly via surveys or polls. Request sincere ratings or reviews. Or, use third-party tools or integrations that allow you to collect feedback via WhatsApp.

How do I measure the effectiveness of my WhatsApp marketing campaigns?

You can use the built-in analytics feature on WhatsApp Business. You’ll have access to metrics like sent, delivered, read, and received messages. Also, use third-party tools or integrations. They offer more advanced analytics and insights.

How do I optimise my WhatsApp marketing strategy?

To optimise your WhatsApp marketing strategy,

  • Segment your audience
  • Personalise your messages
  • Providing value
  • Engage with your customers via WhatsApp automation.
  • You can also test different elements of your strategy, like timing, frequency, or content. Then, you can see what works best for your business.

How do I comply with the WhatsApp Business policy?

You can avoid violations, penalties, or bans from WhatsApp. To comply with the WhatsApp Business policies:

  • Obtain customers’ consent before sending WhatsApp messages
  • Honour their opt-out requests
  • Provide clear and accurate information
  • Avoid sending spam or illegal messages
  • Avoid unauthorised marketing tools.

How do I integrate WhatsApp Business with other platforms or tools?

To integrate WhatsApp Business with other platforms or tools, use the official WhatsApp Business API. Or third-party solutions that offer integration services.

How do I create a WhatsApp Business profile?

Go to Settings > Business Tools > Business Profile to create a profile. Ensure that you’re using WhatsApp Business.

How do I add a product or service to my WhatsApp Business profile?

Go to Settings > Business Tools > Catalog > Add Product or Service to add a product or service to your profile.

How do I manage multiple WhatsApp Business accounts?

There are two main ways to manage multiple WhatsApp Business accounts:

#1. WhatsApp Business app

  • Join the multi-device beta: You can connect up to four additional devices to your business account.
  • Link devices: This applies if your WhatsApp Business has multiple users. You can link up to five devices to a single business account.

#2. WhatsApp Business API

  • Partner with a third-party provider: Like TelebuSocial. They let you manage multiple business accounts from a single interface.
  • Build your solution: This applies if your business has advanced technical expertise. You can develop your custom solution using the WhatsApp Business API.

How do I backup or restore my WhatsApp Business data?

Backup or restore protects your WhatsApp Business data in case of loss or damage. Go to Settings > Chats > Chat Backup to backup or restore your data.

In this article