How to Use WhatsApp For Your Hospitality and Hotel Business (A Complete Guide)

val valentine

Val Valentine |

29 Min. To Read

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to use WhatsApp for your hospitality and hotel business.

The goal is to help you improve customer satisfaction, deliver excellent hospitality and hotel services, and increase your business profitability.

What you learn in this guide is based on extensive research and collation of how hospitality experts use WhatsApp to deliver satisfying hotel and hospitality services.

Let’s dive in.

Give your guests a reason to come back. Use TelebuSocial to provide the best hospitality experience of their lives. It’s simple and easy. Get started for free, or book a demo.

Why do you need WhatsApp for your hospitality and hotel business?

Here are seven reasons why you need WhatsApp for your hospitality and hotel business:

  • Real-time communication: Your guests can contact your service department instantly, just as easily as texting a friend. Issues can be resolved in real-time, leading to happier guests.
  • Ubiquity and ease of use: Chances are high that your guests are already familiar with WhatsApp. This familiarity makes communication straightforward.
  • Improves guest experience: Your guests can get booking confirmations, reminders for spa appointments, restaurant reservations, and so on, all through WhatsApp.
  • Cost-effective: You can reduce the overhead costs associated with traditional communication methods with WhatsApp in your hotel and hospitality business.
  • Marketing tool: You can send promotional messages, special offers, and last-minute deals directly to guests who opt-in to receive communications through WhatsApp.

A little note about TelebuSocial before I proceed further. 

TelebuSocial is WhatsApp messaging software and API that empowers you with the tools you need to provide a satisfying guest experience on WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and other social channels.

More on TelebuSocial as we go on.

How to use WhatsApp for your hospitality and hotel business

Now that you want to streamline your hospitality and hotel services and make your communication as delightful as your guests, you have come to the right place.

In this section, I’ll walk you through how to use WhatsApp for nine daily hospitality and hotel operations or use cases.

For each use case, I will go through each step with screenshots and clear explanations of how to go about them.

Let’s begin with the following use cases:

  • Check-in
  • Check out
  • Feedback gathering
  • Reservation
  • In-hotel services
  • Staff communication
  • Secure login access with OTP
  • General information
  • FAQs
  • Upselling and cross-selling

Learn how your hotel amenities influence your guests’ experience.

1. Check-in

Check-in via WhatsApp is exactly what it sounds like. You enable your guests to check into the rooms themselves using WhatsApp messages.

It’s a convenient alternative to traditional front-desk check-ins, cutting down wait times and making the process faster.

Who uses WhatsApp for check-in?

WhatsApp can enhance your guests’ arrival experience if you are in the hospitality and hotel business and are aiming to modernise your guest services.

Check-in conversation between a guest and a hotel on WhatsApp

Here is a step-by-step guide to implementing check-in via WhatsApp:

  • Choose the right WhatsApp service: The WhatsApp Business API is best for check-in processes. I recommend a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial.
  • Set up a welcome message: When your guests book a room, offer them the option to check in via WhatsApp. Set up an automated welcome message, which should include a warm greeting and simple instructions for their check-in.
  • Use chatbots or live chat: Your chatbot can ask for information like booking ID, last name, and arrival time. For more complex interactions, switch to live chat with actual staff.
  • Collect necessary information: Use your chatbot or live staff to collect any required details from the guest. This might include verifying their identity and booking details.
  • Send essential information: Once details are verified, send them their room number, a digital key if applicable, or details on where to pick up a physical key. You can also provide information about hotel amenities and services.
  • Confirm completion: Close the conversation with their check-in confirmation and offer additional assistance or upsell services like dinner reservations or spa appointments.

Here are four reasons why you should use WhatsApp for check-in:

  • Efficiency: WhatsApp will help you speed up the process, reducing lines and wait times at your front desk.
  • Convenience: Your guests will appreciate the ease of checking in on the go directly from their phone.
  • Safety: WhatsApp offers hospitality and hotel businesses like yours a contactless check-in option, which is crucial post-pandemic.
  • Guest satisfaction: Your guests will look for digital solutions that enhance their stay. Integrating WhatsApp into your business would help your quests achieve it.

2. Check-out

WhatsApp check-out is a hassle-free way for your guests to complete their departure procedures using their mobile phones.

This service allows your guests to settle bills, provide feedback, and confirm their departure details—all through a simple messaging interface.

Who uses WhatsApp for check-out?

It is ideal for almost any kind of hospitality service you are offering. This can include AirBnB, luxury hotels, budget inns and if you aim to enhance your service through innovative technology.

Check-out message to a guest from a hotel on WhatsApp.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to implement check-out via WhatsApp:

  • Choose the right WhatsApp service: The WhatsApp Business API is best for managing check-outs. A WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial is recommended.
  • Initiate the check-out process: Before your guests depart, send a friendly message via WhatsApp reminding them about the check-out options. This message can include a brief explanation of how the process will go.
  • Use a chatbot or live chat: Employing a chatbot for your check-outs can handle the initial steps, such as verifying the guest’s room number and booking details. If your guests require further assistance, switching to live chat ensures that more complex issues are managed.
  • Bill review and payment: You can send an itemised bill directly to the guest for review through WhatsApp. You can integrate payment solutions within WhatsApp for secure payments.
  • Feedback collection: After your guest’s bills are settled, use this opportunity to ask for feedback. You can do this through a simple automated survey sent over WhatsApp.
  • Confirm departure: Once everything is settled, you can send a confirmation message of the check-out, thank your guest for their stay, and bid them farewell or wish them a safe trip.

Here are four reasons why you should use WhatsApp for your check-out processes:

  • Convenience: Your guests can check out at their pace, from anywhere, without waiting at the front desk.
  • Efficiency: Reduce the workload on your staff during peak check-out times.
  • Safety: Provides a contactless option for your hospitality services, which is a valuable feature for many travellers.
  • Guest satisfaction: Your overall services can leave a lasting, positive impression when you offer an innovative and smooth end to their stay.

3. Feedback gathering

Feedback gathering via WhatsApp involves using the app to collect guests’ opinions and experiences during or after their stay at your facility.

This allows timely and straightforward communication that significantly improves your service delivery.

Who uses WhatsApp for feedback gathering?

This approach is fantastic if you are in any of the hospitality and hotel business—from small bed and breakfasts to large hotel chains.

Essentially, once your service benefits from understanding your guests’ experiences and seeking continuous improvement, you can utilise WhatsApp for feedback gathering.

A feedback gathering message on WhatsApp from a hotel to a guest.

Here is a step-by-step guide to using WhatsApp for feedback gathering:

  • Choose the right WhatsApp service: The WhatsApp Business API is best for feedback gathering. A WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial is recommended.
  • Initiate conversation: At the end of your guest’s stay, you can use WhatsApp to initiate a conversation with a thank-you message and a gentle invitation to provide feedback.
  • Employ chatbots or live chat: You can begin with a chatbot for feedback questions. If the feedback requires follow-up, switch to live chat where real personnel can handle it.
  • Feedback questions: Make sure your questions are straightforward and cover various aspects of the guest’s experience. Include rating scales for more detailed insights.
  • Analysis and follow-up: Use the collected data to analyse trends and areas for improvement. Follow up with your guests if needed, especially if they had negative experiences.

Here are four reasons why you should use WhatsApp for feedback gathering:

  • Convenience for guests: Many of your guests would prefer texting over speaking on the phone or filling out paper forms. WhatsApp allows them to provide feedback in a manner that is comfortable and convenient for them.
  • Timeliness: You can gather real-time feedback while the guest’s experience is fresh in their minds, leading to more accurate and actionable responses.
  • Higher response rates: Due to its ease of use and accessibility, WhatsApp can significantly increase the number of your guests’ responses compared to traditional feedback methods.
  • Personalisation: You can personalise the feedback questions based on the specific services used by your guest, leading to more detailed and relevant feedback.

4. Reservation

WhatsApp reservation is using WhatsApp as a platform to receive and manage bookings from your guests.

It’s a direct, conversational way for your guests to secure their stay, making the process both personal and immediate.

Who uses WhatsApp for reservations?

Any hospitality and hotel service you offer that requires booking—hotels, resorts, guest houses, bed and breakfasts, and even vacation rentals—can use WhatsApp for reservations.

It’s particularly advantageous for you when you want to provide a quick, responsive booking experience for your guests.

A Reservation bookings between a guest and hotel on WhatsApp.

Here is a step-by-step guide to using WhatsApp for reservations:

  • Choose the right WhatsApp service: The WhatsApp Business API is best for handling reservations. I recommend a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial.
  • Set up your profile: Customise your WhatsApp Business profile with details such as your business name, location, contact information, and a brief description of your services.
  • Automate greetings and FAQs: Use automated messages to greet your potential guests and provide answers to FAQs about your hotel, availability, and prices.
  • Use a chatbot or live chat: Integrate a chatbot to guide your guests through the reservation process. The chatbot can ask for the necessary details and any special requests. To offer a personalised service, switch to live chat, where your staff can take over.
  • Confirmation and payment: Once your guests’ reservation details are set, send a confirmation message through WhatsApp. Integrate a payment gateway to allow guests to pay their deposits or full amounts directly through the app.
  • Pre-arrival communication: Use WhatsApp to send pre-arrival information to your guests, such as transportation options, check-in times, and what to expect upon arrival.

Here are four reasons why you should use WhatsApp for reservations:

  • Accessibility: Most of your guests are likely already using WhatsApp, which means they can book with you without downloading new apps or creating additional accounts.
  • Efficiency: Automation and quick replies speed up the reservation process, allowing you and your staff to handle inquiries even outside traditional working hours.
  • Enhanced guest experience: The personal touch of chatting directly with your business can enhance your guests’ experience, making them feel valued and well-cared for.
  • Reduced costs: By moving reservations to WhatsApp, you can reduce the reliance on phone calls and emails, cutting administrative costs.

5. In-hotel services

In-hotel services via WhatsApp involve using the platform to manage your guest requests and services directly through their smartphones.

This could include ordering room service, requesting housekeeping, booking spa appointments, or even asking for local travel tips.

Who uses WhatsApp for in-hotel services?

This use case is perfect for any of your hospitality and hotel services you offer. Or also if you’re looking to provide exceptional services to your guests with efficiency and ease.

Hotels, resorts, and serviced apartments, where guest interaction and satisfaction are crucial, find this particularly beneficial.

In-hotel services message list to choose from a Hotel to a guest on WhatsApp.

Here is a step-by-step guide to using WhatsApp for in-hotel services:

  • Choose the right WhatsApp service: You can use WhatsApp Business API to handle in-hotel services. I recommend a WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial.
  • Automate common requests: Set up automated responses for your common requests. Automations help manage your guest expectations and provide instant communication.
  • Chatbot or live chat options: A chatbot can efficiently handle routine requests and bookings. For more personalised service, use live chat with a real staff member.
  • Personalised guest services: Utilise WhatsApp to offer personalised services based on your guests’ preferences. This includes custom messages or special occasion arrangements.
  • Confirmations and updates: After your guest makes a request, use WhatsApp to confirm their order and provide updates to any request or information.

Here are four reasons why you should use WhatsApp for in-hotel services:

  • Convenience: Your guests enjoy the convenience of making requests anytime, anywhere within the hotel, without the need to call or visit the front desk.
  • Speed: Your responses and services can be delivered faster and tracked more efficiently, reducing wait times and improving service delivery.
  • Guest satisfaction: Providing a modern, digital service option can significantly enhance your guest’s satisfaction and lead to better reviews.
  • Operational efficiency: Streamlining your service requests through WhatsApp can reduce overhead and improve the productivity of your staff.

6. Staff Communication

Communicating with your staff via WhatsApp involves using the app to facilitate real-time messaging among your team members.

This can include everything from quick updates and shift changes to emergency alerts and daily briefings. It’s all about keeping everyone in the loop effortlessly and efficiently.

Who can use WhatsApp for staff communication?

This is perfect for you if your hospitality and hotel business services involve hotels, resorts, B&Bs, and other hospitality services where teamwork and timely updates are crucial.

It’s particularly useful when your staff requires coordinating across different locations or departments like housekeeping, front desk, culinary teams, and management.

A Communication with Staff message on WhatsApp from a hotel management.

Here is a step-by-step guide to using WhatsApp for staff communication:

  • Choose your platform: The WhatsApp Business app is the best for handling staff communication. 
  • Set up groups: Create different WhatsApp groups for your departments or teams. For instance, one for housekeeping, one for the front desk, and another for kitchen staff.
  • Establish rules and guidelines: To keep your communications efficient and professional, establish clear guidelines on what should be posted and when.
  • Integrate schedules and alerts: Use WhatsApp to send your staff out schedules, shift changes, and urgent alerts. Make sure notifications are enabled for all members.
  • Regular updates: Keep your team updated with regular messages about guest feedback, daily targets, or special events.
  • Feedback and queries: Encourage your staff to use WhatsApp for quick feedback or queries that need immediate attention.

Here are five reasons why you should use WhatsApp for staff communication:

  • Familiarity: Most of your staff already use WhatsApp, reducing the learning curve.
  • Speed: Communicate instantly without delays, ensuring your staff can react quickly to any guest needs or operational changes.
  • Accessibility: Accessible on any device, making it easy for all staff members to stay connected, whether on the move or at their station.
  • Efficiency: Streamline communications, cutting down on lengthy emails or the need for physical meetings amongst your staff.
  • Cost-effective: WhatsApp is free to use, which can help reduce your operational costs associated with traditional communication systems.

7. Secure login access with OTP

If your guests use an online account to enjoy your service, you can send OTP to their WhatsApp instead of via email or SMS.

This adds an extra layer of security because the password is valid for only one session or transaction.

Who uses WhatsApp for secure login access with OTP?

You can also use it for staff logins to secure systems, guest access to Wi-Fi, or confirming reservations and services.

An OTP Message on WhatsApp to guests for secure login to a hotel website.

Here is a step-by-step guide for using WhatsApp for secure login access with OTP:

  • Choose the right platform: For sending OTPs, WhatsApp API is your best choice because it allows the automated sending of messages. A WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial is recommended.
  • Integration: Work with your IT team or an external provider to integrate WhatsApp API with your existing security systems that require OTP.
  • Set up templates: Create predefined message templates in WhatsApp API for sending OTPs. Your messages must be clear and contain only the necessary information—the OTP.
  • Implement sending OTPs: Whenever a login attempt is made, your system should automatically trigger an OTP message via WhatsApp to your guest’s registered mobile number.

Here are three reasons why you should use WhatsApp for secure login access with OTP:

  • High reach: Most guests and staff will likely have WhatsApp installed on their phones, ensuring they receive OTPs reliably and promptly.
  • Enhanced security: Using WhatsApp adds a layer of protection as OTPs are sent to a device the user likely has on them at all times.
  • Ease of use: Guests and staff find WhatsApp intuitive, smoothens the process and enhances user experience.

8. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

FAQs are those queries that guests commonly ask during their stay or while planning their visit.

Handling these effectively can save your staff time and improve guest satisfaction.

Who uses WhatsApp for FAQs?

This is perfect if your hospitality and hotel business services involve hotels, resorts, bed and breakfasts, and other hospitality businesses.

It’s particularly useful when you aim to offer prompt responses and personalised service without putting additional strain on front desk staff.

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on WhatsApp for guests from a hotel.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use WhatsApp for managing FAQs:

  • Choose the right platform: For managing FAQs, WhatsApp API is the best choice, considering you need a more advanced integration with your customer service systems, which supports a high volume of messages and more complex automation. A WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial is recommended.
  • Create a catalogue of FAQs: List common questions and craft clear, helpful answers. This will form the basis of your automated responses.
  • Automate responses: Train your chatbot with these questions and their answers. 
  • Train your team: Ensure your team knows how these automated systems work and how to intervene when a query requires a personal touch.
  • Review and update: Regularly update your FAQs based on guest feedback and changes in your service or policies.
  • Chatbots or live chat: Chatbots are perfect for handling FAQs, as they can provide instant responses 24/7. Live chat can be integrated for more complex inquiries or when a guest prefers to speak directly with a human, offering a seamless personal service.

Here are four reasons you should use WhatsApp for managing your FAQs:

  • Immediate responses: Enhance your guests’ satisfaction by providing instant answers at any time of the day.
  • Reduce workload: Automate your responses to common questions, allowing your staff to focus on more complex tasks and personal service.
  • Familiar platform: Many of your guests are already comfortable using WhatsApp, so interacting through the app feels easy and natural.
  • Cost-effective: Save on the costs of traditional customer service methods and reduce the need for printed informational materials in your rooms.

9. Upselling and cross-selling

Who uses WhatsApp for upselling and cross-selling?

This is ideal for any hospitality business like yours. It’s particularly effective for hotels, resorts, and luxury accommodations that offer a range of additional services and amenities.

WhatsApp helps you engage with guests in a familiar, convenient way. Making it easy for them to say yes to extras.

How? It’s not rocket science. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use WhatsApp for upselling and cross-selling:

  • Choose the right platform: For upselling and cross-selling, the WhatsApp Business API is highly recommended. It allows for automation and integration with your booking and CRM systems, enabling personalised, timely offers.
  • Personalise your offers: Gather guest preferences and booking details to tailor your messages. For example, send a message like: “Hi [Guest’s Name]! We noticed you’ve booked a standard room. How about upgrading to a suite with an ocean view for a special rate? Let us know if you’re interested!”
  • Automate offers: Set up automated messages based on booking details or guest behaviour. For example, a few days before arrival, you could send: “Excited for your stay, [Guest’s Name]? Don’t miss our exclusive spa package! Book now and save 20%.”
  • Follow up: After a booking, use WhatsApp to suggest additional services. For instance: “Thanks for booking with us, [Guest’s Name]! Enhance your stay with our airport transfer service. Reply ‘TRANSFER’ to book!”
  • Feedback: After their stay, request feedback and offer incentives for future visits. For example: “We hope you had a great stay, [Guest’s Name]! As a thank you, here’s 15% off your next booking. Use the code THANKYOU15!”

Here are four reasons you should use WhatsApp for upselling and cross-selling:

  • Direct engagement: Reach guests on a platform they use daily, making your offers more visible and compelling.
  • More revenue: Seamlessly increase guest spend with personalised, timely suggestions without being intrusive.
  • Enhance guest experience: Tailor offers to enhance their stay, creating a more memorable experience and encouraging repeat visits.
  • Efficient automation: Set up automated messages to save time and increase efficiency, allowing your team to focus on delivering exceptional service.

Which should you use for your hospitality and hotel business regular, business WhatsApp or WhatsApp API?

Do you go with regular WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business, or dive into the more robust WhatsApp API?

Here’s a simple table to compare all three:

FeaturesConsumer (Normal) WhatsAppWhatsApp BusinessWhatsApp Business Solution API
Basic messaging
Business profile
Quick replies
Customer chatbots
Advanced analytics
Integrations (plus 3-P integration)NilNilUnlimited
Ease of setupEasyEasyTechnical expertise required
Conversation transferNilNilHighly collaborative

Let’s look at each of them.

Normal WhatsApp

This is your go-to if you’re just starting or operating a smaller venue. It’s the WhatsApp you already know and love.

However, it may get overwhelming as your guest list grows. That’s because the regular WhatsApp is not built for business use.

WhatsApp Business app

This steps up the game for small to medium-sized businesses. 

It lets you create a business profile with essential information, which can be a big plus for providing your guests with handy details like check-in times or special services.

Automated welcome messages and quick replies make life easier, too. However, if your operation is leaning towards the larger side, it might be limited.

WhatsApp API

If you’re running a more extensive setup or aiming for high efficiency with more automation, the WhatsApp API is your best bet.

It integrates with your existing customer service software, allowing for better management of guest communications across a large team. You can also build conversational chatbots easily.

A WhatsApp solution provider or API like TelebuSocial is ideal for your hotel and hospitality services.

Which should you use?

If you’re small and personal, start with the WhatsApp Business app. If you’re growing and need more features, consider upgrading to WhatsApp Business.

But if your services are extensive and you have many guests to cater to, the WhatsApp API is best for you.

Remember, the goal is to make your guests feel at home even before they step foot inside your lobby.

What challenges should you expect to face with WhatsApp for your hospitality and hotel business?

Let’s explore some common hurdles you might face and how to leap over them gracefully.

When you’re handling customer interactions through WhatsApp, respecting privacy becomes paramount. Guests trust you with their personal information, so ensuring that their data is secure is critical.

Here’s how you can take care of this:

  • Implement strict data protection guidelines and ensure you communicate your privacy policies clearly to guests.
  • Regular training for your staff on data handling and privacy can also go a long way.
  • For an extra management layer, a tool like TelebuSocial could help you maintain these standards effortlessly by offering secure, controlled communication channels tailored to business needs.

Managing high message volume

As your business grows, so will the volume of messages. Managing this increase efficiently can become a significant challenge, especially during peak seasons.

Here’s how you can take care of this:

  • Automation is your friend here.
  • WhatsApp Business and APIs allow you to use automated replies and bots to handle common inquiries without human intervention.
  • Tools like TelebuSocial also offer features that help manage high volumes of messages by organising them into categories and assigning them to different team members based on their areas of expertise.

Maintaining prompt responses

In the hospitality industry, the speed of your responses can make or break a guest’s experience. Delayed replies might lead to frustration and lost bookings.

Here’s how you can take care of this:

  • Set up quick replies and use chatbots for basic questions about check-in times, amenities, or booking policies.
  • For more complex queries, ensure your staff is well-trained and equipped to handle messages promptly.
  • TelebuSocial can also help prioritise messages so the most urgent ones are addressed first.

Expert Advice

Alonso Vargas, Senior Vice President (SVP) of Product Development at Runtriz, a leading mobile hospitality and hotel solutions provider, emphasises the importance of using WhatsApp for your hotel and hospitality business.

Alonso Vargas said: “Adding WhatsApp messaging capabilities to our platform is transformative, especially for hotels that cater to tech-savvy international guests and the growing populations of digital natives. It’s easy to use, free, and incredibly popular, with over two billion users worldwide. By leveraging this communication channel, hotels can provide their guests unparalleled convenience and personalisation, enhancing their overall experience.”

What are the best practices for using WhatsApp for your hospitality and hotel business?

To help you make the most of WhatsApp, here’s a rundown of the best practices for integrating WhatsApp into your business communication strategy.

  • Personalise your communications: When you message your guests, use their names and refer to their preferences or past interactions. This personal touch can make your guests feel valued and enhance their overall experience.
  • Set up automated responses: Use chatbots to set up automated greetings and responses for common inquiries. This helps maintain quick communication, especially outside of business hours.
  • Use broadcast lists wisely: Keep your guests informed about special offers, events, and updates without spamming them. Tailor your messages to match guest interests and preferences.
  • Secure guest information: Always follow best practices for data protection. Ensure your staff is trained on data privacy regulations.
  • Be transparent: Communicate your privacy policy and how you handle guest data via WhatsApp. Consent is crucial, so make sure guests agree to communicate through WhatsApp.
  • Clear communication: From the start, let your guests know what they can expect with response times and the kind of support available through WhatsApp.
  • Set boundaries: Define precise working hours for live interactions. Communicate these hours in your automated messages.
  • Track guest interactions: Use WhatsApp’s built-in analytics or integrate with third-party tools to gather insights on response times, guest satisfaction, and message effectiveness.
  • Adjust strategies based on data: Analyse the data to identify what messages resonate best with your guests and when they are most engaged.
  • Continuous improvement: Use feedback and analytics to refine your approach, train your staff, and improve your communication tactics continuously.

When paired with effective message templates, your WhatsApp conversations via WhatsApp Business API will surely hit the bullseye.

WhatsApp hotel templates

Here are some message templates to kickstart WhatsApp conversations for your hospitality and hotel business effortlessly. 

Don’t forget to personalise these templates to match your hotel’s voice and style.

1. Service requests and bookings

🍽️ “Hungry? Do you want to order room service?”

2. Delivery and order tracking

🍔 “Pizzas on their way! ETA 10 mins. 🍕”

🧺 “Laundry delivered to your door: fresh sheets and fluffy towels await! 🫧”

3. Timely transaction notifications

💵 “Your payment for room 101 is confirmed. Enjoy your stay! 🥂”

⏰ “Late checkout reminder: 1 hour left to pack your bags! 🧳”

4. Scheduling and rerouting

🏊‍♀️ “Pool closed for maintenance. Enjoy the spa instead! 🧖‍♀️”

🎤 “Concert venue changed. New instructions for your VIP access! 🎫”

5. Upselling and cross-selling

🥂 “Sunset cocktails on the rooftop? Now offering a special 2-for-1 deal! 🌅🍹”

🪂 “Adventure craving? Try our skydiving package – add it to your stay! 🪂”

6. Feedback and complaint management

🤔 “Question about the minibar bill? Just reply!”

😣 “Issues with the AC? We’ll fix it ASAP! 🙏”

7. Request referrals

💖 “Loved your stay? Recommend us to your friends and get a discount! 🎉”

👨‍🍳 “Craving that delicious pasta? Ask your waiter for the recipe! 🍝”

8. Marketing

🌊 “Beachfront paradise awaits! Book your dream vacation with 20% off! 🏖️”

🎭 “Live jazz performance tonight! Join us for a night to remember! 🎷✨”

Don’t know where these message templates are applicable? 

Let’s explore some use cases perfectly aligned with your hotel’s scenarios. 

What are some WhatsApp travel and hospitality business case studies?

Check out examples of hotel and hospitality businesses that create memorable guest experiences using WhatsApp.

1. HolidayPirates: From email overload to WhatsApp Oasis

HolidayPirates is a leader in the travel industry. However, they had a problem with email fatigue.

Their emails were slow and ineffective. So, they decided to use WhatsApp API for their marketing plans. And it paid out big time. In just three months, their

  • Subscribers via WhatsApp grew by 53%,
  • Open rates reached 97%,
  • Click-through rates reached 40%, and
  • engagement increased by 10 times compared to their emails.

2. Visit Valencia Foundation: Upselling with a smile via WhatsApp

The Visit Valencia Foundation also knew email was passé.

Tourists wanted instant personalised answers and a taste of local life — not another inbox overload.

So, they ditched the brochures and built a vibrant WhatsApp community. And fortunately, they had a WhatsApp support team of local experts.

They created chatbots that responded with warmth and wit. Making every tourist feel like a long-lost friend.

But it wasn’t just tourists who were smitten.

The chatbot would recommend other amazing places to visit. Soon, local businesses joined the party, from family-run restaurants to quirky souvenir shops. 

They shared daily specials and discounts. They even hosted virtual tours, all within WhatsApp’s friendly confines.

The WhatsApp API integration was a huge success:

  • Visit Valencia Foundation saved 99% of their communication costs
  • It saw an 82% increase in customer loyalty
  • It enjoyed a 41x increase in customer engagement

You can use WhatsApp for your hotel, too, and elevate your hospitality business to new heights.

How to get started? 

It’s even easier than you think. 

We’ll help you automate your WhatsApp conversations with your guests. All you need in TelebuSocial

Why is TelebuSocial the best WhatsApp solution for your hospitality and hotel business?

To elevate your guests’ communication and streamline your operations using WhatsApp, TelebuSocial is your go-to choice for integrating WhatsApp into your hospitality and hotel services.

TelebuSocial is a single-window, secure, easy-to-use WhatsApp and hospitality and hotel business messaging software. It provides you with all you need to provide satisfactory hospitality service to your guests via WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and other social channels.

What you get when you use the TelebuSocial message platform and API:

  • You’ll get a simple drag-and-drop interface to create and deploy your chatbots.
  • Seamlessly integrate the chatbots with your CRM or other systems.
  • Manage multiple chatbot accounts and conversations from a single dashboard.
  • Analyse and optimise your chatbot performance and user behaviour. 
  • Scale up your chatbot capacity and functionality as per your needs.

Want to learn more about TelebuSocial?

Visit our website or schedule a 1-on-1 demo to see how TelebuSocial can help your healthcare practice satisfy your patients./

Frequently Asked Questions

Can every type of hotel integrate WhatsApp?

Yes. Any hotel can leverage WhatsApp Business for guest communication regardless of size or budget. It’s a free app, and hotels of all kinds have successfully implemented it to enhance guest experiences.

Is there any cost associated with sending messages?

WhatsApp charges businesses a small fee for sending messages beyond a certain monthly limit. However, the free tier allows hotels to send many messages, often covering basic needs. Paid plans offer higher volumes for larger hotels.

How many numbers can I add to my WhatsApp business account?

One WhatsApp Business account can manage up to four phone numbers, allowing you to separate departments (e.g., reception, spa) or offer regional support. This ensures efficient communication without overwhelming guests.

How can I improve customer satisfaction with WhatsApp?

The key is personalisation and responsiveness. Use guest names, answer promptly, and tailor messages to their needs. Offer proactive support, resolve issues quickly, and showcase your hotel’s unique offerings. This builds trust and creates a delightful WhatsApp experience.

What type of notifications can I send to my guests with WhatsApp Business?

The possibilities are endless! From pre-arrival reminders and welcome messages to dining reservations and spa promotions, you can send booking confirmations, event updates, local recommendations, and even birthday greetings. Just remember to be relevant and avoid spamming.

Can I use my personal WhatsApp account to manage my hotel business?

It’s best to use the WhatsApp Business app or API like TelebuSocial for your hotel. It offers features tailored for businesses, like automated greetings, quick replies, and labels to organise chats.

What kind of messages should I send to my guests?

Keep it relevant.

Send booking confirmations, welcome messages, special offers, and check-out instructions. Personalise messages to enhance their experience.

How often should I contact guests via WhatsApp?

Don’t spam. 

Contact them with booking confirmations, reminders a day before arrival or events, and follow-up messages post-departure for feedback.

Can WhatsApp be used for guest complaints?

Absolutely, it’s a great tool for real-time problem-solving. Encourage guests to report any issues via WhatsApp so you can address them promptly.

Should I automate all my WhatsApp messages?

Use a mix of automated messages for common queries and personal interaction for specific guest needs. This keeps your responses fast yet personalised.

How can I measure the success of using WhatsApp?

Track metrics like response time, guest satisfaction ratings, and the volume of messages handled. Use WhatsApp’s built-in analytics for insights.

Can I integrate WhatsApp with my other hotel systems?

Yes, WhatsApp API can integrate with your CRM, booking, and other systems to streamline communications and data flow.

What’s the best way to manage high volumes of messages?

Organise your team so that messages are routed to the correct department. Use labels and chat categories to keep track of conversations.

How can I train my staff to use WhatsApp effectively?

Provide regular training sessions on WhatsApp features, guest communication etiquette, and your hotel’s messaging protocol. Update training as needed based on analytics.

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