whatsapp finance templates

WhatsApp Messaging Templates For Finance Businesses

Akumu Fiona |

5 Min. To Read

Here are the WhatsApp message templates for finance (with sample messages) from which you can draw inspiration.

You can even copy, paste, and use these WhatsApp message templates for finance businesses as you like.

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Service requests and booking templates

Use this template for service requests and bookings:

Template: You have successfully booked {service_name} for {date} at {time}. The total amount due is {amount}. Please make the payment by using the link below before {deadline}. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, kindly contact us at {phone_number} or {email_address}.

Example: You have successfully booked XYZ Tax Services for March 15 at 10:00 am. The total amount due is $200. Please make the payment by using the link below before March 10. If you have any questions or need to reschedule, kindly contact us at 555-1234 or xyz@tax.com.

Learn how to use WhatsApp for your finance business.

Delivery & order tracking services

Use this template for delivery and order tracking:

Template: Hi {customer_name}, your order {order_number} has been shipped and is expected to arrive on {delivery_date}. You can monitor your order status here: {tracking_link}. Thank you for choosing us.

Example: Hi John, your order 123456 has been shipped and is expected to arrive on 30 Nov 2023. You can monitor your order status here: https://example.com/track/123456. Thank you for choosing us.

Timely transaction notifications

Use this template for transaction notifications:

Template: Hi {Name}, we have received your payment of {Amount} for {Product/Service}. Your transaction ID is {ID}. Thank you for shopping with us.

Example: Hi Alice, we have received your payment of $50 for the online course. Your transaction ID is 123456. Thank you for shopping with us.

Scheduling and rerouting

Use this template for scheduling and rerouting:

Template: Hello {name}, this is a friendly reminder that you have a payment of {amount} due on {date} at {time} for {reason}. Kindly ensure you have enough funds in your {account} to avoid any fees or penalties. Thank you for choosing our service.

Example: Hello John, this is a friendly reminder that you have a payment of $500 due on November 30th at 5:00 PM for your car loan. Kindly ensure you have enough funds in your checking account to avoid fees or penalties. Thank you for choosing our service.

Upselling and cross-selling

Use this WhatsApp message template for upselling and cross-selling:

Template: Hi {Name}, thank you for choosing {Product} for your {Goal}. I’m happy to inform you that we have a special offer for you: if you upgrade to {Product Plus}, you can enjoy {Benefits} for only {Price} more per month. This is a great opportunity to get more value from your investment and achieve your {Goal} faster. Would you like to learn more about this offer?

Example: Hi John, thank you for choosing MoneySaver for your retirement plan. I’m happy to inform you that we have a special offer for you: if you upgrade to MoneySaver Plus, you can enjoy higher returns, lower fees and more flexibility for only $10 more per month. You’ll get more value from your investment and achieve your retirement goals faster. Would you like to learn more about this offer?

Feedback & complaint management system

Use this template for feedback and complaints: 

Template: Dear {customer_name}. Thank you for your feedback on our {service_name}. We appreciate your honest opinion and always seek ways to improve our customer experience. We are sorry to hear that you had a {problem_type} with our {service_name}. Please reply to this message with your {case_number}, and we will get back to you with an update within {time_frame}. Thank you for choosing us and for your patience.

Example: Dear John. Thank you for your feedback on our personal loan service. We appreciate your honest opinion and always seek ways to improve our customer experience. We are sorry to hear that you delayed receiving your loan approval. Please reply to this message with your case number, 123456, and we will get back to you with an update within 24 hours. Thank you for choosing us and for your patience.

Request referrals  

Use this template for request referrals:

Template: Hi {name}. Thanks for choosing {company}. We value you. Please refer us to others who need our services. You’ll get a {reward} for each referral. Share this link: {link}. They’ll get a {discount} on their first transaction.

Example: Hi John. Thanks for choosing MoneySaver. We value you. Please refer us to others who need our services. You’ll get a $10 cashback for each referral. Share this link: https://moneysaver.com/referral. They’ll get a 5% discount on their first transaction.


Use this template when marketing your products or services:

Template: Hi {name}, this is {sender} from {company}. We have a special offer for you: {offer}. To claim it, reply with “YES” before {deadline}. Take advantage of this opportunity to save money and achieve your financial goals.
Example: Hi John, this is Lisa from Moneywise. We have a special offer for you: a 10% discount on our premium financial coaching service. To claim it, just reply with “YES” before Friday. Take advantage of this opportunity to save money and achieve your financial goals.

We constantly update this page with new Whatsapp message templates for finance. I’d recommend you bookmark this page so you can always easily come back to it.

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