Generate More Revenue For Your Business on WhatsApp

Improve customer satisfaction, increase lead generation, and close more deals with personalised WhatsApp conversational experiences using TelebuSocial.

No credit card required

Personalised conversations on WhatsApp

TelebuSocial helps you keep your customers engaged with chatbots and tailored messages. With tags and notes for each customer on WhatsApp, you’ll always know where to pick up conversations naturally.

Grow your business revenue on WhatsApp

Create personalised support experiences

Easily create and train chatbots that answer customer queries quickly. Use our WhatsApp-like 1-on-1 chat to nurture happy customer relationships and increase revenue.

Create personalised sales experiences

Create personalised sales interactions with WhatsApp bots and 1-on-1 chats. Provide a unique and engaging journey for each lead and prospect and get them to buy faster.

Create personalised marketing experiences

Deliver the right message to the right WhatsApp audience. Forge connections that resonate with your customers and result in more leads for your business.

No credit card required

Fully loaded. In one app

Integrate with the third-party apps you’re familiar with in a few minutes and increase your efficiency. Automate your customer support with powerful chatbots for WhatsApp.

Also, supervise all your agents’ conversations easily and analyse the detailed reports to see what's driving revenue from your TelebuSocial dashboard.

Trusted by brands worldwide

Integrate our API in just a few clicks!

Use TelebuSocial to take advantage of:

  • Detailed and easy-to-understand documentation that gets you started in under 30 minutes.
  • Versatility and speed due to the RESTful API
  • 24/7 support from your dedicated account manager and our caring team
See Demo Read Documentation

Why TelebuSocial is the best choice

Admin view

Manage your teams’ activity and customer conversations from one screen.


TelebuSocial scales to meet your increasing needs as your business and WhatsApp audience grows.

Ease of use

Building your Whatsapp chatbot is as easy as ‘drag and drop’ on TelebuSocial.


You can configure TelebuSocial based on your business type and customer needs.


Automate repetitive tasks and processes on WhatsApp by integrating TelebuSocial with various marketing, CRM, or analytics tools.

Grow revenue with personalised customer experiences

No credit card required

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to have a Facebook Business Account?
Yes, you must have a verified Facebook business account before you can onboard a WhatsApp number on Telebu Social.
Can I use my existing number for the Telebu Social WA API?
Yes, you can use your existing number. Still, if you have a WhatsApp account linked with this number, you will lose all previous data because you must de-register your current WhatsApp account before we onboard this number on Telebu Social.
How does TelebuSocial differ from the regular WhatsApp Business App?
Telebu Social includes features like interactive buttons and lists, which are not in the WhatsApp business app. With Telebu Social, there are NO message-sending limits. Telebu Social offers advanced features like API integration, automated messaging, and scalable solutions for larger businesses, while Telebu Social is also suitable for smaller businesses.
Can’t find your Query?

To send you a response, we need your email address. Don't worry, we'll only use it to answer your question and nothing else!

Experience WhatsApp Bot for Your Industry
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