Close Deals Faster with Personalised Sales Conversations

TelebuSocial helps your sales team nurture and qualify leads via automated chatbots and personalised conversations on WhatsApp and other social media channels.

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What you get using TelebuSocial for sales

TelebuSocial’s chatbot and live chat empower you to connect with your leads on their preferred social media platforms, show them how you solve their problems, and help them make buying decisions, all within one app. It feels just like chatting with a friend.

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How to use TelebuSocial for sales

Nurture leads faster

Nurture leads on social media with automated messages. TelebuSocial seamlessly integrates with 3rd party sales apps and supports your major social media platforms.

Close deals faster

Address prospects’ inquiries, clarify their concerns, give them an unforgettable personalised conversational experience, and close the deal right where they are—on whatever platform they may be.

Understand your prospects better

TelebuSocial provides detailed analytics on all sales conversations. This data can help you understand your prospects better and optimise your sales scripts and strategies to close more deals and increase profitability.

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Hear what our customers are saying

Telebu's WhatsApp Business API lets us instantly engage prospects when they inquire about listings via WhatsApp. By sharing photos, answering FAQs automatically, and following up over WhatsApp, we can nurture leads better without huge marketing budgets.”

Mr. Chintan, Founder

Magnus Real Estate

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Experience WhatsApp Bot for Your Industry
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